Megjelent az Acta Polytechnica Hungarica tudományos folyóirat legújabb száma (123)

Megjelent a kiváló hazai és külföldi szakemberekből válogatott nemzetközi szerkesztőbizottsággal működtetett Acta Polytechnica Hungarica című egyetemi tudományos folyóirat legújabb száma (Volume 19, Issue Number 5, 2022) az alábbi tartalommal.

Az Acta Polytechnica Hungarica folyóirat nyomtatott kötetei mellett párhuzamosan online változata is megjelenik, elektronikusan a oldalon érhetők el a cikkek.


A számban megjelent:

An Approach for Clustering of Seismic Events using Unsupervised Machine Learning
Markhaba Karmenova, Aizhan Tlebaldinova, Iurii Krak, Natalya Denissova, Galina Popova, Zheniskul Zhantassova, Elena Ponkina, György Györök
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.1

Optimized Ad-hoc Multi-hop Broadcast Protocol for Emergency Message Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
Sara Imene Boucetta, Zsolt Csaba Johanyák
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.2

Practical Examination of Formal Methods Transformations Properties
Slavomír Šimoňák, Daniel Harvilík
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.3

Gaussian Process-based Spatio-Temporal Predictor
Balázs Varga
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.4

Adaptive Fractional Order Sliding Mode Speed and Current Control for Switched Reluctance Motor
Ashraf Abdalla Hagras
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.5

Evaluating the Return Volatility of Cryptocurrency Market: An Econometrics Modelling Method
Ashutosh Kolte, Avinash Pawar, Jewel Kumar Roy, Imre Vida, László Vasa
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.6

Deep Learning-based Transfer Learning Model in Diagnosis of Diseases with Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Suganthe Ravi Chandaran, Geetha Muthusamy, Latha Rukmani Sevalaiappan, Nivetha Senthilkumaran
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.7

Automatic Analysis of Emotions from the Voices/Speech in Spanish TV Debates
Mikel deVelasco, Raquel Justo, Asier López Zorrilla, M. Inés Torres
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.8

‘Emotion that Goes Around Comes Around’. Political Charisma and the Emotions Conveyed through Social Media
Francesca D’Errico, Isabella Poggi
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.9

Machine Learning for Detection of Cognitive Impairment
Valeria Diaz, Guillermo Rodríguez
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.10

Multimodality and Music Performance. The Lexicons of Gesture and Gaze in Orchestra and Choir Conductors
Isabella Poggi, Alessandro Ansani
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.11

Enhancing Cross-border Co-operation of Business Organizations based on the Investigation of Textual- and Categorical Information
Ferenc Tolner, Balázs Barta, Márta Takács, and György Eigner
DOI: 10.12700/APH.19.5.2022.5.12
Frissítve: 2022.07.29.

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