Warsaw University of Technology

Founded in 1915 Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology, WUT) is a technical research university with traditions in education dating back to the nineteenth century. It is a forward-thinking institution where high-quality education meets world-class research and innovation. WUT is ranked number one among all technical universities in Poland. WUT offers education at all levels: B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree studies in every field of technology – ranging from civil engineering and architecture to optoelectronics, materials nanotechnology, biotechnology and biomedical technology. Highly qualified staff conducts research in almost all areas of technology and a number of non-technical disciplines (including management, business and administration) at 19 faculties and 1 college. WUT employs around 2450 academic teachers, with over 570 professors, and about 2600 technical and administrative staff. The number of students is over 25 000, mostly full-time (including about 1000 Ph.D. students). The university has more than 6300 graduates per year.

WUT has a wide offer of Ph.D. studies conducted at almost all faculties. Faculty Councils award approximately 200 Ph.D. and 95 Associate Professor degrees every year. In 2019 WUT was again awarded the title of one of the three “most pro-doctoral universities in Poland”.

WUT’s acclaimed reputation is proved by around 100 international academic and research cooperation active agreements with universities, research centres and high-tech industries from about 30 countries all around the world. International partnerships, continuous quality improvement and a stronger profile – these top priority areas are heavily emphasized and developed in order to enhance the position of WUT as a leading university of technology and attain its long-term goal – internationalization and integration of political, economic and academic network.

WUT is currently involved in more than 60 international research projects funded or cofounded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, by Polish executive agencies funding research: the National Science Centre and the National Centre for Research and Development, the European Commission and also industry. The University actively participated in European Union’s Framework Programs: 55 projects in FP5, 90 projects (3 coordinated) in FP6, 78 projects (6 coordinated) in FP7 and 56 (36 ongoing) projects in Horizon 2020 (4 coordinated). In FP7 WUT carried out 11 MSCA projects, in Horizon 2020 the university has been involved in 13 MSCA projects: 7 MSCA-ITN projects and

6 MSCA-RISE projects.

Moreover, at present Politechnika Warszawska implements over 340 national research projects financed by the National Science Centre (over 210 projects), the National Centre for Research and Development (over 100 projects), the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (over 20 projects) and other financial institutions.

Politechnika Warszawska is one of the winners of the first edition of the Polish “Excellence Initiative – Research University”. The aim of the competition was to select and support the universities which will successfully compete with the best academic centres in Europe and beyond. WUT ranked third in the classification presenting the effective development plan for 2020-2026.


name: Renata Walczak


e-mail: Renata.Walczak@pw.edu.pl

Eryk Głodziński, PhD, DSc

Vice-Dean for General Affairs

e-mail: eryk.glodzinski@pw.edu.pl

Updated: 17.09.2024.