Neptun System

Our university uses the Neptun.Net electronic system to manage all administrative matters related to registration, courses, exams, tuition fees and stipends. The system is used by all students as well as administrators and lecturers throughout the university.

With Neptun students can

  • modify their personal data;
  • access information about courses, study requirements, exam dates and locations;
  • sign up for their courses;
  • sign up for their exams;
  • check their grades;
  • send and receive messages to and from lecturers and administrators;
  • pay their tuition and other fees;
  • send feedback about lecture(r)s.

How to use Neptun

Each student admitted to the university will receive his/her Neptun code and password from the study office.

Before accessing Neptun all users must generate a network ID. To do so, go to Neptun and click on Registration for new users („Regisztráció új felhasználók számára”). Here you can generate a network ID with your Neptun code and password. If you have problems with registration or have questions, contact the buddies!

Students can access Neptun via internet if they have at least Internet Explorer 7.0 or Mozilla Firefox 3.0 browsers. To log in, go to Neptun!

With their network ID students can also use the Wi-Fi on campus, download softwares, send and receive emails.

Students can only access their own data. For security considerations IT IS VITAL THAT EVERYBODY KEEP THEIR PASSWORD SECRET.

With matters related to your studies please consult the faculty’s study office. If you have problems concerning courses and exams, turn to your department’s administrators.

If you have a problem that neither the department’s nor the faculty’s administrators can fix, contact your buddy, or a student assistant in your faculty.

Updated: 17.09.2024.