Student’s Union

Address: 1084 Budapest, Tavaszmező utca 17. Build. A, basement

Phone: +36 (1) 666-5059

About the Student Council

The Student Council (HÖK) at Obuda University is an independent self-governing organization of the university’s students, whose members are students with student status with the university. The HÖK operates as part of the university’s self-government, and develops its operational system and organizational structure by means of its organizational and operational regulations. It exercises the collective rights arising from the student legal relationship, provides the representation of students as subjects in the decision-making and preparatory bodies. In cooperation with other organizational units of the university, it carries out its tasks based on the information required from their management and their cooperation skills. It cooperates with domestic and foreign student governments and organizations, and can cooperate with any other organization whose goals are compatible with the spirit of the university. The management of the university provides the material and financial conditions necessary for its operation and the fulfillment of its prescribed tasks, the legal use of which is supervised by the rector of the university.

Tasks of the Student Council

It provides the representation and protection of the interests of the students of the university, exercising the rights of collective decision, agreement, proposal and control, opinion assigned to it in laws and in other higher than university legislation, as well as in university and faculty regulations, as well as in university and faculty council decisions, derived from the student legal relationship. It helps to establish and exercise university autonomy, to raise the standard of education, to implement academic freedom for teachers and students, to establish and maintain good relations between teachers and students, and to enliven public life at the university. It organizes events for students, contributes to the development of students’ knowledge and skills beyond their professional field, and prepares them for public involvement. Cultivating the traditions of the university, creating traditions. Its task is, for example, to organize, arrange, supervise graduations, youth days, study trips, etc.


Mr. Levente Koppány Barcsa, president:

Mr. Gergő Horváth, representative of international students:

Updated: 10.05.2024.