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The Researchers Night at Banki Donat Faculty


2..20.9.30. 16:00


2..20.9.30. 23:00



az épületben található termek + belső udvar


registration required

Obuda University joined the Researchers' Night event series this year - visitors can take part in exciting programs in Bánki Donát Faculty at Népszínház utca 8, Budapest from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. - they can try out our self-built pneumatic vehicles powered by compressed air, board the Csühögő light train, they can take part in a chemical experiment, play table tennis, do handicrafts, and most of all get a glimpse of the interesting and diverse fields of science that are students and teachers dealing with at the Bánki Faculty. All ages are welcome.

Updated: 15.09.2022.