Technology of specialization III. - RTWST3IBNE
Academic year/semester: 2024/25/2
ECTS Credits: 4
Available for: Only for the faculty’s students
Lecture hours: 1
Practice: 0
Laboratory: 3
Consultation: -
Prerequisites: Technology of specialization II.
Course Leader: Orsolya Nagy Szabó PhD
Faculty: Rejtő Sándor Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering, 1034 Budapest, Doberdó utca 6.
Course Description:
Special technologies for making home furnishing textiles and garment products. Basic
concepts of gluing, technological process, factors influencing gluing, areas and methods
of gluing.
Basic concepts, technological process of wet heat treatment of textiles, factors
influencing wet heat treatment.
Smart textiles in the interior. Innovative technologies.
Manufacturing technology of leatherwork industrial products, self-production of a
leatherwork industrial product, and a clothing product.
Execution of home furnishing products and clothing models based on the project
assignment, taking into account the material properties.
a) knowledge - Knowledge of basic design principles and methods, as well as major production technology procedures and operating processes. - Knowledge of the most important basic materials applied in the special area of product design, their production and their application criteria. - Knowledge of expectations and requirements prevailing in the areas of health and safety, fire protection and safety engineering as related to the relevant special field, as well as applicable environmental regulations. - Knowledge of the most important practical work techniques of their special field. b) capabilities - Able to explore the causes of failures and to select elimination operations. - Able to resolve relatively simple health and safety tasks. c) attitude - Efforts to solve tasks and make management decisions by being aware of the opinions of the colleagues supervised, possibly in cooperation therewith.
Exam Types:
Practice Mark
Compulsory bibliography: 1. Pap Józsefné dr.: Gyártástechnológia II. BMF RKK 6018 Bp. 2007 2. Estu Klára: Ruhaipari technológiák, ÓE-RKK 6048, Budapest, 2013 3. Korona Péterné: Bőrtermékek és az öltözködés bőr kiegészítői, ÓE-RKK 6064, Budapest, 2015 4. electronic notes and aids prepared by the instructor
Recommended bibliography: -
Additional bibliography: -
Additional Information: -