Obuda University has signed multiple agreements with Kyrgyz universities

The universities of the Central Asian region are key partners of Obuda University. The Kyrgyz delegation that came to our country at the invitation of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference also visited our university on February 13. The Minister of Education and Science Esenbekovich Mambetakunov, who led the delegation, was recognized as an honorary citizen of Obuda University as part of the visit. The next day, Vice-Rector Dr. Ervin Rácz signed a memorandum of understanding with three universities of Kyrgyzstan.

At the invitation of the Rector of Obuda University, Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, the leaders of the Kyrgyz universities visiting our country visited Obuda University on February 13. In the framework of the hybrid conference, the rector also greeted the participants. The rector emphasized that the Central Asian region, including Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, has a particularly important role in his strategy.

The management of the institution wishes to strengthen its relations in line with the government's Eastern opening goals. Obuda University had a previous relationship with one of the three higher education institutions, which, according to the declarations of intent, will be strengthened on a new basis.

Dr. Ervin Rácz presented our university, drawing attention to the various points of cooperation, with particular regard to student and teacher exchange programs, as well as research and development cooperation.

At the event, Esenbekovich Mambetakunov, Minister of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan, received the title of Civis Academicus Honoris Causa, Honorary Citizen of Obuda University, which was presented by Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ervin Rácz, on behalf of Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács.

As part of the program, the delegation visited Obuda University's campus and research facilities on Bécsi út.

On the second day of the visit, the 1st Hungarian-Kyrgyz Rector's Forum was held at Eötvös Loránd University. On behalf of the Hungarian side, Deputy State Secretary Veronika Varga-Bajusz, and on behalf of the Kyrgyz side, Ulanbek Mambetakunov, Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, welcomed the participants. At the plenary session, László Borhy, President of the Hungarian Rectors' Conference, Rector of Eötvös Loránd University, Abdylda Musaev, President of the Association of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic, Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich, Head of the Hungarian Diplomatic Academy and Mirlan Chynybaev, I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State The rector of the University of Technology gave a lecture on the Kyrgyz-Hungarian historical, humanitarian and cultural cooperation. State Secretary for Higher Education Balázs Hankó greeted the participants on the occasion of the cooperation agreements signed during the forum.

Memorandums of Understanding

The memorandums of understanding signed with Iskhak Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, Musa Ryskulbek Kyrgyz University of Economics and K. Tynystanov Issyk-Kul State University on February 14 cover student and faculty exchange programs, joint research and development programs, scientific transfers, and publications.

Iskhak Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University

It is the flagship of engineering education in Kyrgyzstan. The university trains highly qualified professionals in a wide variety of engineering and IT fields. The merger with two other Kyrgyz universities last year further expanded this training palette. Prof. Dr. Miklós Kozlovszky and Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. András Molnár contacted Iskhak Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University back in 2017. The department of telematics of (KSTU) and the research center of ÓE Biotech submitted a joint application and won the EYR (Enlighten your Research) application. It was then that the previous cooperation agreement was established, which emphasizes student and teacher mobility, knowledge transfer, including remote monitoring, and autonomous aircraft. In 2019, teacher mobility continued, but in 2020, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the joint program was suspended, and the goal is to continue and strengthen it.

Andrea Pődör, the director of the Geoinformatics Institute of the Alba Regia Technical Faculty, maintained a good relationship with the other legal predecessor institution, the Kyrgyz State University of Geology, Mining and Natural Resources Development. There was also student and lecturer mobility between the two universities.

Rector Chynybaev Mirlan Koichubekovich signed the letter of intent on behalf of the Kyrgyz university.

Musa Ryskulbek Kyrgyz University of Economics

The Kyrgyz University of Economics is one of Central Asia's and the country's best universities specializing in economics and international relations. The university was founded in 1953. His training covers business, economics, tourism, commerce, management and digital business at the graduate, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The management of the institution approached Obuda University in order to possible cooperation. A closer partnership with the Keleti Károly Faculty of Economics may be established in the future.

Rector Almaz Kadyraliev signed the letter of intent on behalf of the University of Economics.

K.Tynystanov Issyk-Kul State University (IKSU)

IKSU offers its students several courses, including engineering and economics. The management of the university sought contact with Obuda University, with the intention of cooperation. They would participate in teacher, student and researcher exchange programs together.

Rector Prof. Dr. Imanbaev Askarbek signed the memorandum of understanding on behalf of the university.

The documents just signed were concluded in order to strengthen innovative cooperation in medical informatics, artificial intelligence, robotics, cyber security, green energy, biotechnology, industry 4.0, environmental engineering, production design and materials engineering, economics and management, the whole economy in the mutually acceptable areas of electricity and electrical engineering, the transport industry, and ecology. The universities will also cooperate in joint PhD programs and research activities in the future. The declarations of intent also emphasize: the further development of exchange programs for lecturers, doctoral students and postdoctoral students, the support of joint scientific publications, the importance of educational, cultural and scientific exchange programs between international research institutes.


Updated: 20.02.2023.

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