Electricity I. - KHXVT1EBNF

Academic year/semester: 2024/25/1

ECTS Credits: 7

Available for: Only for the faculty’s students

Lecture hours: 2
Practice: 2
Laboratory: 1
Consultation: 0

Prerequisites: none

Course Leader: Dr. Zoltán Tóth

Faculty: Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 1084 Budapest, Tavaszmező utca 17.

Course Description:

To develop a basic understanding of electrical circuits for future electrical engineers. Through this, they lay the foundations for their future studies in electrical engineering - at university and beyond. To improve proficiency in the electrical tasks required for engineering decisions. The lecturer of the course may deviate by about 10% from the detailed topics.

Topics to be covered:

Basic concepts of electricity. Amp, voltage, potential, power, work, units of measurement. Simple circuit calculations using Ohm\'s, Kirchhoff\'s laws. Application of network calculation theorems to the analysis of complex DC circuits. Application of total network analysis in DC circuits. Nonlinear DC networks. Characteristics of sinusoidally alternating voltage and current. Use of complex variables in the analysis of sinusoidal steady state networks. Sync, phase, impedance, admittance, complex power and maximum power transfer. Calculation of two-port parameters. Construction of working plot in simple sinusoidal networks. Plotting Nyquist diagrams. Writing voltage transfer functions. Construction of fractional approximations of amplitude and phase characteristic curves.



1. Basic electrical concepts. Basic units: the SI system of units. Basic concepts: electric current, voltage, potential. DC circuit analysis. The simple circuit, Ohm\'s law, calculating the resistance and conduction of a conductive element, wire, temperature dependence of resistance, notation, polarity reference of voltage and current (passive sign convention). Electric work and power.

2. Analysis of DC electric circuits. The complex electric circuits, Kirchhoff\'s laws. Passive elements, calculation of resultant resistance and conduction, ideal and real generator, linear active two terminals: equivalence and duality, efficiency and power, maximum power transfer.

3. Circuit analysis based on typical network parts, voltage divider and current divider, Delta-to-Wye and Wye to-Delta equivalent replacement. Principles and theorems for linear circuits, superposition, compensation, reciprocity and duality.

4. The structure of a complex DC circuit, methods of total network analysis, the mixed method. Methods of total circuit analysis, method of node voltages and mesh currents, total circuit analysis by computer.

5. Nonlinear DC circuit analyses. The concept of a nonlinear circuits, voltage-current characteristics of a nonlinear resistor, types of characteristics (construction of the resulting characteristics of nonlinear and linear two terminals). Analysis of nonlinear circuit by graphical method. Edits for more complex nonlinear circuits (Nonlinear network analysis).

6. Generation of sinusoidal AC voltage. The electrolytic, the quadratic and the absolute mean: the peak factor and the form factor. Time period and frequency, starting phase angle and phase difference, peak value and rms value.

7. Ohm\'s law for the time functions, amplitudes and rms values of voltage and current. The complex calculation method.

8.Capacitive and inductive reactance. The symbolic calculation method: synors, phasors of impedance, susceptance and admittance. Impedance and admittance calculations for series-parallel mixed circuits. Complex calculations for simple AC circuits.

9. Calculation of electrical powers in elementary and complex ways. Analysis of sinusoidal steady state networks using the complex method.

10. Determination of the Thévenin equivalent of alternating current two-terminals in the complex plane. Maximum power transfer.

11. Function representations for complex quantities, frequency functions. Spatial curves: line and circle diagrams (impedance and current work diagrams). Definition and use of Nyquist plots.

12. Logarithmic units and quantities, zero- and first-order Bode plots. Construction of amplitude plot, determination of breakpoint frequency, reading amplitude values.

13. Determining the Nyquist and Bode diagrams of functions using special software. Recording of higher order transfer functions. Resonance phenomena, resonance plots, resonance circuit, Bode (and Nyquist) diagrams of resonance circuits.

14. Determining the Nyquist and Bode diagrams of functions using special software. Recording of higher order transfer functions. Resonance phenomena, resonance plots, resonance circuit, Bode (and Nyquist) diagrams of resonance circuits.

Topics of practices

1. The basic circuit, Ohm\'s law, calculating the resistance and conductance of a conductive element and wire. Resistance as a function of temperature. Notation, direction of voltage and current. Electric work and power.


2. Analysis of simple circuits using Kirchhoff\'s law and Ohm\'s law. Calculate the equivalent resistance and conductance of complex passive circuits. Calculation of power. Maximum power transfer, efficiency calculation.

3. Use of voltage divider and current divider, delta-to-wye in solving problems. Analysis of complex DC circuits using methods and theorems for linear circuits - superposition, compensation, reciprocity and duality.

4. Total analysis of complex DC circuits using Ohm\'s law and Kirchhoff\'s law (mixed method). Use MATLAB and calculator to solve a system of unknown equations.

5. Techniques of total circuit analysis, mesh-current method on three-loop circuit. Methods of total circuit analysis, method of node-voltage on four node circuit. Using schematic editor to draw circuit and analyse it.

6. Determining the equivalent circuit of two-terminals, maximum power transfer. Generation of sinusoidal AC voltage. The electrolytic, the quadratic and the absolute mean: the peak factor and the form factor.

7. Determination of sinusoidal AC voltage characteristics. Impedance and admittance calculations for series, parallel and mixed connections.

8. Calculations of simple AC circuits on the complex plane. Drawing phase diagrams.

9. calculations of complex AC circuits on the complex plane.

10. Characteristics and parameter calculations of linear two-ports. Wave impedance calculation.

11.Complex spatial curves: construction of line and circle plots (impedance and current work diagrams). Drawing Nyquist diagrams. Determination of phase maximum.

12.Determining voltage amplifications, determining the Bode form, plotting. First-order Bode plots. Drawing amplitude plot.

13. First-order Bode plots. Drawing phase characteristics. Reading the phase minimum/maximum and determining its exact value by calculation. Comparison of the values determined from Bode plots with the values read from the Nyquist plot.

14. Writing higher order voltage transfer functions and determining their Bode plots using special software.



1.Analysis of a DC circuit.

2. Analysis of an AC circuit I.

3. Analysis of an AC circuit II.

4. Analysis of an AC circuit III.

5. Repeat occasion

Assessment: Midterm requirements Attendance at the lectures required by the curriculum is compulsory. Absence must not exceed the number of hours of attendance per week given by The Study and Examination Regulations of Obuda University, Chapter VI Section 46. Completion of the requirements for laboratory and classroom exercises. Laboratory practice Requirement: Completion of measurements, approved measurement report. Repeat occasion: Proof of payment of the repeat occasion. During the semester, at the laboratory session of other classes, on the basis of prior application and on the dates of the last week of the term. The maximum number of the repeat occasion allowed is two. No repeat occasion may be taken during the examination period. Repeat occasion: Students who have not achieved the requirement presented by the lecturer during the semester may obtain the signature at the resit test in the last week of the semester. Students who have a justified absence can retake a big test at a pre-arranged time during the semester. Students with an unsatisfactory mid-semester grade will be given the opportunity to make a repeat occasion (exam for signature) once during the examination period, subject to payment of the service fee specified in the JUTTÉR. This will take the form of a written examination from the full semester\'s material. Calculation system of the midterm points: The score calculated from the results obtained in the big tests (NZh) and any minor tests (KZh), as specified by the lecturer who taught the practice subject. The mid-semester mark is awarded on completion of the laboratory exercise! The exam: Eligibility to take the exam: obtaining the signature. Method of the exam: Written exam on the whole semester\'s material. The exam consists of two parts: a 40-minute theoretical part and an 80-minute practice part. There is a 5-minute break between the two parts. Condition for a mark: obtain at least 15 points in the theoretical part of the exam and pass the exam with at least a pass (2) mark (50%). Method of calculation of the exam mark: Calculation of the exam result: the total score is 150 points, which is made up of 3 parts: Maximum of 30 points earned during the semester in practices Maximum of 40 points earned from the theoretical part of the exam Maximum of 80 points earned from the practical part of the exam Award of a mark as a percentage of the overall score: Percentage Mark 132 - 150 excellent (5) 113 - 131 good (4) 94 – 112 satisfactory (3) 75 - 93 pass (2) 0 - 74 fail (1) Other: Using printed or electronic aids (mobile phones, smart watches, etc.) during the enquiries and measurements is prohibited. The use of any unauthorised device or method during the semester will result in the student\'s suspension from the course for the semester.

Exam Types:

Written Exam

Compulsory bibliography: James W. Nilsson & Susan A. Riedel: Electric Circuits; Prentice Hall Zoltan Toth: Electricity 1 Debreczenyné Révy Gabriella: Bode-diagramok /Oktatási segédlet Debreczenyné Révy Gabriella: Kétpóluspárok /Oktatási segédlet

Recommended bibliography:

Additional bibliography:

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