Conference in Architecture - YAVÉPKFBNF

Academic year/semester: 2024/25/1

ECTS Credits: 3

Available for: Only for the faculty’s students

Lecture hours: 1
Practice: 1
Laboratory: 0
Consultation: 0

Prerequisites: none

Course Leader: Horváth-Kálmán Eszter PhD, associated professor

Faculty: Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 1146 Budapest, Thököly út 74.

Course Description:
The aim of the course is to prepare students to receive professional presentations and conference papers in foreign languages, to record the presentations in a summary and to organise new knowledge.
The one-day conference held in the middle of the year provides an opportunity for faculty members and guest lecturers from our partner institutions to present their latest achievements in architecture and building science in Hungarian and English sections. The students will prepare a report on the lectures given, supplemented by a literature review of the given topic - this will be facilitated by the weekly consultation.

able to sort, observe, and analyse information collected during the design, implementation and operational processes, and to conclude the lessons, including the feedback into practice

1. time Information about the course requirements, the semester timetable
2. time Consultation - preparing to receive the presentations, methodology of literature
3. time Conference
4. time Consultation - preparing to receive the presentations, methodology of literature
5. time Consultation - organising the presentations, reviewing the literature on the topic
6. time Submission Deadline (upload to e-learning platform)
7. time Supplementary Submission Deadline (upload to e-learning platform)

Assessment: A report on 5 selected lectures, including a literature review of the topic and a brief introduction of the lecturer. At least sufficient to pass the subject. Length: 2x A4 written pages per lecture, plus pictures Format: Calibri 11 font, 1,15 margins, 2,5 cm margins. Language ENGLISH. Consultation for the preparation of the report will be provided by separate appointment. Attendance at the conference lectures is a prerequisite for completing the course. Completion of the assignment to at least a satisfactory level.

Exam Types:

Mid Term Exam

Compulsory bibliography: none

Recommended bibliography: none

Additional bibliography: none

Additional Information: none