Internationally renowned researchers join the scientific program of Obuda University

In our excellence scolarship program, launched for the first time this year, three internationally renowned and highly qualified researchers join the research development program of Obuda University, while four more of our colleagues have been awarded excellence grants - announced Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, Rector of Obuda University, at the announcement of the excellence grants announced in March. The university's management intends to support primarily the scientific field with the applications, which have a total budget of around HUF 900 million.

Through the Distinguished Professor of Obuda University program, the University of Óbuda will provide 200 million HUF over 4 years for 48 months to three outstanding and highly regarded international researchers.

Professor Andrea De Gaetano, is the director of the Biomedical Research and Innovation Institute of the National Research Centre of Italy (CNR-IRIB), and the grant will enable him to expand the international contacts of Obuda University and focus his research on applied methods for biostatistical and biomathematical analysis of complex biomedical problems.




Professor Seyedali Mirjalili, founding director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research and Optimisation at Torrens University in Australia, will organise a research group at our university and will focus on new areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and optimisation.




Amir H Gandomi, a Professor at Sidney University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, is an expert in the application of computational intelligence and the development of intelligent techniques to address pressing challenges facing humanity and the environment, with research spanning the fields of evolutionary data analysis and genetic programming.



Dr. Sándor Kristály, Professor at the Obuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics and Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj, and Dr. László Szilágyi, Associate Professor at the Obuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics and at Sapientia University of Transylvania, were awarded Consolidator Researcher grants. Over four years, they will receive HUF 100 million to carry out their research projects. Professor Kristály specialises in variational calculus, critical point theory and geometric analysis, while László Szilágyi aims to make new advances in image processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and bioinformatics.

Under the Starting Excellence Researcher programme, Dr. Dániel András Drexler, Associate Professor at the OU John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, and Dr. Amir Mosavi, Associate Professor at the OU John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, visiting researcher at the Technical University of Dresden and a fellow at the Ohio State University, will receive 40 million HUF over 48 months.

Under the Starting Excellence Researcher programme, Dr. Dániel András Drexler, Associate Professor at the OU John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, and Dr. Amir Mosavi, Associate Professor at the OU John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, visiting researcher at the Technical University of Dresden and a fellow at the Ohio State University, will receive 40 million HUF over 48 months.

Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács considered the university’s ecellence program, which was launched for the first time this year, to be a great success. He said that the researchers, who have significant international contacts and are among the best in their field worldwide, consider it important to transfer their methods and to involve as many students and young researchers as possible in their scientific activities. They are also committed to strengthening the international metrics and reputation of Obuda University. Obuda University is one of the most prestigious institutions of higher technical education in Hungary, our goal is to achieve a similar result in Central Europe within a few years, and the excellence program currently being launched serves this goal," the Rector added.
Updated: 09.05.2022.

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