Proceedings of SISY 2021 is included to IEEE Xplore

All papers of IEEE 19th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2021) had been posted to the IEEE Xplore database.

Due to the pandemic restrictions the event was organized via Zoom platform, but it was a successful event, and papers of IEEE 19th International Sympoium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2021) had been posted to the IEEE Xplore digital library. According to the conference cooperation, IEEE provided ISBN and DOI numbers on the papers, which gives a high-level acknowledgement for the proceedings. Authors and organizers are all missed the face-to-face event, but hopefully next year it could be organized in Subotica, Srbia.

Please, log on to this link to reach the papers:

Congratulations to the authors for their great job!
Updated: 05.04.2022.

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