VETATHON student innovation competition

The registration for the VETATHON student innovation competition organised by the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest and Óbuda University is now open.

What is this about?

You are invited to an exciting intellectual competition, where we are looking for creative and feasible solutions for real burning problems in our world.

The competition will be in the form of a hackaton: this is a marathon (e.g. 24 hours) competition, where teams of 4-6 students are working to solve the given challenge and create a demonstration of the solution with the available means. Hence the name: VETerinary marATHON.

Eligible teams consist of minimum 2-2 students (out of maximum 6) from the Veterinary University and Óbuda University. One student per team can come from a third university.


Why should I participate?

A hackaton is excellent to test your creativity, to develop your team-working skills, to broaden your horizon and it has even happened that a hackaton team became founder of a startup based on their solution. The benefits to get to know students from a very different university, experts from industry, to broaden your network are not negligible factors at all from the point of view to develop your social life and career.


What is the topic of the challenge?

The subtitle of our hackaton is ‘New technological solutions in animal health and animal husbandry’. Within this topic a couple of challenges (problems within the veterinary domain, shall be targeted by a technology solution) will be introduced on 11. April. These technologies can various: mobile application, sensors, robotics, AI etc. You and your teammates can choose the challenge which like you the most – it’s up to you. Our goal is that by connecting veterinary and engineering (and/or IT) disciplines this marathon will deliver new approach solutions that can be utilized in real environment.


How is the competition organized?

On 11.04.2023, at 5:00 p.m. a personal briefing will be held in the EQUUS Club of the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest, where not only the challenges will be revealed (within aforementioned domain), but we will also help to find a team for those who do not have one yet.

The venue for the April 21-22 competition will be provided by Óbuda University (1034 Budapest, Bécsi út 96/B). Please be there on Friday (21. April) at 15:00 ready for the marathon. Bring your sleeping-bag with you, we provide food, drinks …and a great event.

The teams will work separately but during the entire competition experienced mentors will be available to help in veterinary, engineering and business issues.

At the end of the hackaton each team has to present its solution in English for all the participants and the jury. The decision about the final ranking will be decided by a jury consisting of well-known experts from academia and industry, taking into consideration the opinion of the mentors.


Will there be prizes?

The three front runner teams will receive valuable prizes.


How can I apply?

Apply ASAP here, and share this information with your fellow students, because the number of the participants is limited!


For more information, please click here.
Updated: 05.04.2023.

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