Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Name of the organization in its native language: Politechnika Wrocławska

Name of the organization in English: Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Address: Wybrzeże Stanisława Wyspiańskiego 27, Wrocław, 50-370, Poland        Poland

Statutory representative: Prof. dr hab. inż. Arkadiusz Wójs, Rector

Website: http://pwr.edu.pl/en/

Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw Tech) was established in 1945. Currently we are a leading scientific and educational centre in Poland.

In the most important Polish ranking of universities, “Perspektywy”, we took third place among technical universities and 6th place among all academic universities in country.

We are also among the best universities in the world – according to The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2021. The university was classified in places 901-1000, taking third place among Polish technical universities. Three areas (Mathematics, Energy Science and Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) are included in the Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2021 among the fields of science that are conducted at Wroclaw Tech.

We conduct research in multiple scientific disciplines, from architecture, through chemistry, civil engineering, management, physics, electronics, computer science, to mathematical sciences.

Our scientists deal with topics that concern the world, seeking cures for COVID-19 and other life-threatening diseases, searching for alternative energy sources, archaeological research in Africa and South America, constructing modern lasers, caring for our cybersecurity or building modern bridges.

There are 22 000 students and 800 PhD students pursuing their degree programs under the supervision of nearly 2200 academic teachers (including 600 professors) at Wroclaw Tech’s 13 faculties and three branches. We also have over 1270 foreign students from over 60 countries.

Our graduates are on demand on the market, often starting work during their studies. Some of them find employment while still at university, and 70% – three months after receiving their diplomas, at the latest.


Prof. Dr. Sci. Dariusz Łydżba Vice Rector for cooperation

e-mail: prorektor.lydzba@pwr.edu.pl

Ryszard Klempous , PhD, DSc.
Wroclaw University of Technology,
Department of Control Systems and Mechatronics

e-mail: ryszard.klempous@pwr.wroc.pl

Updated: 10.05.2024.