Medal of Honour of Obuda University

The University Senate may award the “Medal of Honour of Obuda University” to a lecturer, researcher or employee with a public service status who has played a permanently outstanding, effective and decisive role in the educational and scientific activities of the University, in the performance of the basic activities, in the operation of the University, in the work of the institutional leadership and management. A maximum of five of these distinctions may be awarded each year, except in exceptional circumstances.


Prof. Dr. Katalin Dr. Takácsné György
Gábor Kecskés
Dr. József Beinschróth
Dr. László Hanka
Csaba Bilicska
Ferencné Váradi


Dr. Zsuzsanna Putnoki
Dr. Zsuzsanna Csepeli
Annamária Törőcsikné Guttyán
András Sztelik
Franciska Hegyesi


Cecília Békéssyné Jakab
Dr. Jolán Velencei
Adrienn Fokvári
Dr. Ildikó Katalin Holik


Béla Lévai
Prof. Dr. Aurél Galántai
Dr. Márta Takács
Dr. Rita Bodáné Kendrovics


Dr. Marianna Lendvay
Prof. Dr. József Tar


Dr. Zsolt Temesvári


Dr. Béla Palásti Kovács


Dr. József Gáti
Dr. László Legeza
Dr. Zoltán Vámossy

Updated: 22.03.2024.