Honorary Professor

The Senate of Obuda University may confer the title of Honorary Professor to a foreign national who has made a significant contribution to the improvement of the quality of the University’s teaching and scientific research activities and to the increase of its international recognition. The title of Honorary Professor may be awarded only if the nominated person holds a doctoral degree.


Prof. Dr. Masayoshi Tomizuka
Dr. Kazuhiro Kosuge
Dr. Jozef Živčák
Dr. Peter Sinčák
Dr. András Szöllösi-Nagy
Prof. Dr. Viorel-Aurel Şerban
Dr Tibor Babos
Dr. habil Endre Gelencsér
Prof. Dr. Mircea Popa
Prof. Dr. József Nyers
Dr. Ildikó Orosz
Dr. Éva Pataki
Dr. Éva Sándorné Kriszt
Dr. Péter Sváb
Dr. József Lakner


Prof. Dr. Sam Kwong
Prof. Dr. Michibaru Tabe
Dr. James M. Tien
Mo. M. Jamshidi
Dr. Keith W. Hipel
Dr. Robert Aniszfeld
Dr. Gábor Czitán
Prof. Dr. László Dávid
Dr. Tamás Gedeon
Dr. Csaba Gyenge
Dr. Szabolcs János-Szatmári
Dr. Tamás Korhecz
Prof. Dr. János Tóth


Prof. Dr. Tadeusz Wiêckowski
Prof. Dr. Emil M. Petriu
Prof. Dr. Hamido Fujita
Prof. Dr. Philip Chen
Dr. Marcelo H. Ang
Prof. Dr. Reinhold Würth
Dr. Michael Bertold
Dr. István Bársony
Dr. Mária Groszmann
Dr. Endre Káldos
Dr. Bálint Pődör
Dr. Zsolt Semjén


Prof. Dr. Ladislav Hluchý
Prof. Dr. Chin-Min Lin
Prof. Dr. Shun-Feng Su
Dr. Miroslav Badida
Marcell Jánosi


Dr. Anton Čižmár
Prof. Dr. Josè A. Tenreiro Machado
Prof. Dr. Nikos E. Mastorakis
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Báleš


Dr. Ildar Batyrshin
Dr. Liberios Vokorokos
Prof. Dr. Nicolae Belfiore
Dr. Ryszard Klempous
Dr. György Morva

Updated: 29.11.2024.