Rector's Greeting – July 15, 2024
With the unanimous support of the Senate of Obuda University, and with the decision of the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Obuda University, and the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, the President of Hungary has reappointed Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács as Rector of Obuda University for another five-year term, from July 15, 2024, to July 14, 2029. The rector's greeting reflects on the past five years and the tasks ahead of us.
"One must live like a sailor: welcome incoming waves pleasantly, do not fear bad weather, and let navigation, not the ship, handle the future!" Seneca
Dear Members of Obuda University!
Dear Colleagues! Dear Students!
I welcome you all as the newly elected Rector of Obuda University from July 15, 2024, for another five years. In 2019, upon my first appointment, I was inspired by my mathematician father, who, following and slightly modifying the famous words of János Bolyai, created a new university from nothing by founding the first independent Hungarian-language private university in post-Trianon Transylvania, the Partium Christian University in Nagyvárad (Oradea). My situation was easier, as I took over the leadership of a university built on strong traditions.
It is worth reflecting on how the past five years have been and what changes have come into our university's and our own lives. External circumstances have not made our situation easier. Just a few months after taking office, the first news of a spreading virus came from the Far East, and by March 2020, the world has changed fundamentally. We could not prepare for such a situation, yet we coped with the difficulties. The pandemic subsided, but a war broke out in our immediate neighbourhood. Despite these challenges, we continued to expand and develop.

In 2021, our operations fundamentally changed. Following the unanimous decision of the Senate in February, we left state maintenance as of August 1. We turned the ship's wheel in unknown waters. Many doubted and feared for our university's autonomy. Gradually, we realized that our operations had gained a turbo boost, helping us navigate safely and faster. We can build on a strong base, with our foundation, the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Obuda University now directly supporting us, named after our first Doctor Honoris Causa researcher, the world-renowned Hungarian scientist. This model change provided us with great opportunities and responsibilities. Having moved out from under the state umbrella, we can now set our goals on a broader horizon and enjoy the fruits of our labour according to our own priorities.
Our success did not come without effort. Through hard work, the young Obuda University, built on old traditions, has become widely recognized. Today, Obuda University stands out as a significant institution in both regional and broader international comparisons. We are now among the top 4% of nearly thirty thousand universities worldwide. In the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings, we are among the top 350 young universities globally, ranking as Hungary's best higher education institution. According to THE, Obuda University is the fourth best-ranked higher education institution in Hungary and the top technical university. Additionally, we have the best research quality score among technical universities in the V4 region. A few years ago, we were not even on the ranking radar, but through structural reforms, consistent work, and a unified team spirit, we achieved this.

We have better aligned our programs with market needs, addressing student dropout challenges with new curricula. Our success has been achieved through closer collaboration with domestic economic players.
Over the past five years, the university has made significant progress in institutional and portfolio expansion, now encompassing the entire spectrum of Hungarian technical higher education. We have incorporated the Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, adding new value and numerous new programs. We have strengthened our position: our university performed well in the new accreditation process by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (MAB).

More than 90% of our graduates find employment in their field within a month, with competitive salaries! The number of university professors has increased 2.5 times, the number of PhD students and habilitated lecturers has doubled! The number of quality publications has tripled! We have adopted and applied an innovation approach. Today, we can say that we have embarked on an upward trajectory by embracing new ideas, building a rare example of an investor university mindset globally. We are implementing a unique innovation ecosystem, led by our Innovation Management Doctoral School on the educational side, our talent management program brought together by the University Research and Innovation Center (EKIK) and the developing science and innovation parks in Zsámbék, Kaposvár, and Székesfehérvár on the scientific side. Financially, we have our own venture capital company, Obuda Uni Venture Capital, which is also a mentoring network, and holistically, our newly established Initium Ltd., our knowledge transfer company. With this system, we aim to foster innovative thinking from high school to university, supporting the utilization of knowledge, embrace, implement and successfully bring to market original, innovative ideas born at our university.
Dear University Community!
We must also discuss our plans and goals for the next five years. My vision, outlined in my rectoral application and presented to you at an all-staff meeting this February, was unanimously supported by the Senate of Obuda University, leading to my authorization from our supporting foundation. As the re-elected rector, my leadership philosophy can be summarized with a sailor's saying: "It's good to be safe in the harbour, but that's not what the ship was built for." My primary goal remains to get into the top 1,000 universities globally. We are very close to this, which is a tremendous achievement, as in 2019, we were ranked well below 2,000.
We must continue to strengthen the investor mindset. Only with this innovative approach can we keep pace with the accelerated world and move forward, potentially outpacing others. The goal is to make our university increasingly attractive to young people by raising the quality of our education. Using a metaphor, the quick, agile, and responsive ship that has always characterized our university has grown larger but retains its speed thanks to more powerful engines. We must utilize and maintain this, adapting the university's structure accordingly.

Our most important tasks for the 2024-2029 period include stabilizing achieved results, increasing administrative efficiency and digitalization, maintaining growth, advancing talent management, strengthening international reputation, and increasing research and development activities through grants, industrial revenues, and the establishment of science parks and an innovation mindset. In the next five years, I will do everything to ensure that Obuda University remains a leading technical higher education institution in Hungary and the region.
Dear Colleagues!
I need a strong and supportive team to achieve our plans! From the beginning, my goal has been to bring together the ideas of people who want to contribute to Obuda University, their belief in our common success, and the passion needed to achieve our goals. To row in the same boat, we need a strong community. I believe – and anonymous surveys confirm – that we have created the conditions for this. Joint trips, team-building events, cooking, and relaxed gatherings have forged us into a real community.
I continue to believe that we can only create something lasting by building from the bottom up, combining positive and creative energies, while presenting a clear, consistent vision from the top. Returning to the "big ship" metaphor, this means that everyone, from first officers to sailors to those working in the engine room, is needed to steer the ship towards the set goal. Now with stronger engines, we can sail faster, with everyone feeling their place and claiming it as their own! I count on everyone's participation in this!

Obuda University is a great place to conduct research of significant importance because science is not just a job but a passion. My goal remains unchanged: I want our students to be increasingly proud of the knowledge they acquire here, and for teachers to be surrounded by an inspiring, supportive, and secure work environment. We must make constant change effective. A university must always lead in this, as it equips its students, the future workforce, and the intellectual elite with the higher education that will advance and make our nation competitive. This is how we primarily contribute to the formation of a knowledge-based society, which is our nation's primary goal!
I wish everyone a good summer break! Our ship can rest in a peaceful harbour, and then, recharged, everyone back on deck, let's set sail again, embarking on longer journeys with our reinforced, yet still fast ship, towards exciting challenges and wonderful destinations! Fair wind to all of us!
Navigare necesse est!
Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács