ÓE YBL success: Japan-Poland-Hungary cooperation for carbon neutral cities
We are pleased to announce that the #GREENQUAL project has been awarded a grant under the "EIG CONCERT-Japan, 10th call: Solutions for Carbon-Neutral Cities"!
After careful consideration at the Scientific Committee meeting held in Warsaw on 16 October 2023, six projects were selected from a pool of proposals involving Japanese and European researchers, starting in the first half of 2024 and funded for a three-year period.

The lead researchers of the consortium are: Prof. Michihiro Kita from Osaka University (Japanese project leader), Dr. Viktória Sugár from Obuda University (European project leader), Dr. Bálint Hartmann and Dr. Vera Iváncsics from F4STER, and Dr. Barbara Czesak and Dr. Renata Różycka-Czas from Kraków University of Agriculture.
Selected projects can be found here.
More information about the GREENQUAL project, please click here.