Highly esteemed and widely cited researchers have joined our research and development program

This year, two internationally renowned and highly qualified researchers joined the Obuda University Distinguished programme launched last year. The winners, Professor Habib Zaidi and Professor Peng Shi, and the winner of the Consolidator Researcher competition, Professor Tamás Haidegger, were awarded their letters of appointment by Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, Rector of Obuda University, in a ceremony.

It is a sign of the increasing recognition and recognition of Obuda University that there was great interest in our Distinguished Program call, which was announced for the second time this year, and the number of applications for the calls was several times higher than the number of applications received, emphasised Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács. He said that the researchers, who also have significant international contacts, are among the best in their fields worldwide and consider it important to transfer their methods and to involve as many students and young researchers as possible in their scientific activities.

Distinguished Professor of Obuda University

Habib Zaidi professzor, a Genfi Egyetemi Kórház vezető fizikusa és a PET-műszerek és idegrendszeri képalkotás laboratóriumának vezetője, valamint a Genfi Egyetem Orvostudományi Karának professzora.

Professor Peng Shi is a professor in the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and Director of the Laboratory for Advanced Unmanned Systems. He is the world's most cited researcher in control theory for 2017-2022 according to Scopus.

Consolidator Researcher

Professor Tamás Haidegger, Director General of the Obuda University University Research and Innovation Center, is one of the outstanding young researchers in the field of robotic surgery in Hungary.

Prof. Dr. Tamás Haidegger, Prof. Habib Zaidi, Prof. Peng Shi, Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, Prof. Dr. László Gulácsi, Prof. Dr. Ervin Rácz, Prof. Dr. András Molnár, Prof. Dr. Imre Felde, Tibor Bial

"Those who belong to Obuda University also enter the antechamber of the international academic world, as we are building our international relations with great vigour," the Rector emphasised. This year, two foreign professors with citations in the top one percent of the world have joined the faculty, and Professor Amir Gandomi, who joined last year, was awarded one of the most prestigious awards in international academia, the Stanford University Achenbach Memorial Medal.

Our new Distinguish professors were introduced in a Mini Symposium.
Updated: 10.10.2023.

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