Investing in the Future: Obuda University Establishes a Venture Capital Partnership
Obuda Uni Venture Capital, the venture capital company of Obuda University, has been established with a capital base of HUF 10 billion, which will enable the financing of university innovations up to HUF 300 million per project - announced Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, Rector of Obuda University, at the opening ceremony of the academic year. As he said: "Their main goal is to establish a strong start-up culture at Obuda University. An innovation ecosystem, which includes the high schools that have now joined the university, increased talent support, scholarships, and strengthened professional colleges. These are complemented by the launch of the Innovation Management Doctoral School and a venture capital company that can provide real support through its substantial financial base, unique in Hungary," he added.

The opportunities offered by the model change have opened up new perspectives for Obuda University - emphasized Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács.
He said: we have invested the increased resources well and consistently, and the results are reflected in the significant increase in the number of students and the university's progress in international rankings, as well as in the fact that it has been able to develop a distinctive, independent image in the field of Hungarian higher technical education, which focuses on the utilisation of innovations. Obuda University has become successful in recent years by working more and more closely with the Hungarian economy, and innovation management has become part of its training. This is not only about the fourth doctoral school established by the university this year, but also about the fact that the university, with the support of the maintenance foundation and the financial contribution of the Széchenyi Funds, is becoming the first university in Hungary to attract investors.

Addressing the students, Dr. András Cser-Palkovics, Mayor of Székesfehérvár and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Obuda University, pointed out that they can continue their studies at a university whose infrastructural, financial, professional and legal framework is stable and secure. He added that the university's management has every right and reason to be proud of this year's new intake of students. To ensure that progress continues unabated, the Foundation will continue to provide the conditions and the academic side will continue to enjoy maximum autonomy.
Thanks to the successful change of model, Hungarian universities are moving higher and higher in international rankings, and their development also strengthens the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy, Mihály Varga emphasised. The Finance Minister highlighted that Obuda University has become one of the most popular universities in Hungary. As the former Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Obuda University, he added that more than 4,100 students were admitted this year, which is the highest number ever. The government has been successful in linking Hungarian universities to the economy, and their opportunities for cooperation and business contacts have multiplied. The launch of a venture capital fund by Obuda University, which can directly support start-ups and spin-offs from the university, is in line with this effort.

Dr. Veronika Varga-Bajusz, Deputy State Secretary for Higher Education of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, said that Obuda University has made use of all the opportunities that allow the new, competitive university model to assert Hungarian creativity, knowledge and intellect. The number of students enrolled in technical courses has also increased significantly nationwide, and Obuda University has performed outstandingly well in this respect. It has become a leading higher education institution in the fields of engineering and information technology. It is present in both Budapest and rural locations, building international links worldwide, and its science park sustainability model provides the essence of linking universities and the economy. And its value-based responsibility extends to the Carpathian Basin. He added: - with the dynamism of recent years, there is no unattainable goal for the institution.

After the speeches, Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, Rector of the
Obuda University, and Dr. András Cser-Palkovics, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, presented awards.
The Rector of Obuda University may confer the title of Honorary Professor on a person of outstanding internationally or nationally recognised professional achievement.
Shavkat Jakhonovich Imomov, Rector of the Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers of the Institute of Natural Resources Management in Tashkent, Bucharest, received the title of Honorary Professor at the ceremony. His scientific work is wide-ranging, including technical supervision of a number of projects and scientific work in important areas such as agriculture, mechanization of reclamation works and renewable energy sources. He has placed great emphasis on inter-university cooperation and has played a major role in promoting joint teaching and research activities.
Botir Usmonov is Professor and Rector of the Institute of Chemical Technology in Tashkent. He has worked hard to deepen relations between the Obuda University and the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology. His research is in mechatronics and his university is making a major contribution to the creation of what is hoped to be the first Hungarian-Uzbek TechnoHub.
In our second excellence scheme launched this year, three internationally recognised and highly qualified researchers are joining the research development programme of Obuda University, while another colleague has been awarded an Excellent Consolidator Researcher grant. With these applications, the University's management intends to support primarily the scientific area.
The winners of the Distinguished Professors competition are:
Professor Habib Zaidi, Chief Physicist and Head of the Laboratory of PET Instruments and Neuroimaging at the University Hospital of Geneva and Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva. His research is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the European Commission, private foundations and industry, and his work focuses on hybrid imaging, computational modelling and radiation dosimetry, and deep learning.
Professor Peng Shi is a distinguished professor in the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Adelaide, Australia, and Director of the Laboratory for Advanced Unmanned Systems. His research interests are in systems and control theory, and applications to autonomous and robotic systems, cyber-physical systems and multi-domain systems.
The winner of the Consolidator Researcher Award is Prof. Dr. Tamás Haidegger, Director General of the Obuda University University Research and Innovation Center.

The Student Council Awards were presented by Levente Koppány Barcsa:
Patrik Viktor received the Culture Award for his contribution to the free tutoring of students over the years. The Sportsperson of the Year award was given to Manó Gyurka Márk, who as a pentathlete is a member of the adult national team and has represented our institution in several university championships, as well as participating in the European University Championships.
Bence Kruppa was awarded the title of Public Engagement Student of the Year, and this year he again took every opportunity to support the work of the Student Union.
The Public Educator of the Year award went to Ákos Hiervarter, Head of the Institute of Physical Education and Sport. In cooperation with the Students' Union, he has done a lot to encourage more people to take part in sport at our university.
The Public Employee of the Year Award was given to Péter Zsákai, Economic Administrator of the Directorates-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, for his selfless support to the Student Council of the Keleti Károly Faculty of Business and Management.
This year's partner of the year award went to Siemens Zrt. In their successful cooperation with the Student Council of the Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering, they contributed to the creation of a new office with a community space.
Kitti Tristen Dán, Anita Füredi, Alexandra Hajdu, János Ádám Richárd and Bálint Béda received an award for their work.