OU delegation meets with 13 university leaders from Central Asia
Strengthening and deepening international relations was the aim of the trip of the leaders and experts of the Obuda University to three countries in Central Asia. The delegation held talks with 13 universities from the region, 4 ministries from 3 countries, and there were also some agreements signed. Obuda University is doing a lot to promote cooperation between Central Asia and our country in education and research. This activity has been recognised by the Tashkent University of Chemical Technology by making Prof. Dr. Leventé Kovács, Rector of our University, an honorary professor.

The Hungarian delegation, led by Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, included Prof. Dr. András Molnár, General Vice-Rector, Prof. Dr. György Györök, Dean of the Alba Regia Faculty of Technology (AMK), Dr. Monika Pogátsnik, Vice-Dean of Education of the AMK, Rector's Representative for Central Asian Relations, and Dr. Péter Kádár and Dr. György Morva, members of the Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács explained that the Obuda University already has well-established relations with all three countries visited, as he said, we have bilateral cooperation agreements with several universities, but there are also institutions where ÓE is involved in teaching and several research and development projects.

Summing up the outcome of the negotiations, the Rector said that the most important result was that student and teacher exchange programmes could be further expanded, but that the most work remains to be done. The key to success is to really start the daily cooperation between Obuda University and the partner institutions in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, he added, adding that work can continue once the details are worked out.
All three countries see the Stipendium Hungaricum exchange programme, announced and funded by the Hungarian government, as a major opportunity for more and more Central Asian students to study in Hungary. Currently, 30 Kazakh and 15 Kyrgyz students are studying at Obuda University under the programme, and one of the main goals is to increase the number.

The Rector said that compulsory mobility will be a key part of the new curriculum of Obuda University starting in autumn 2023, so hopefully more students will choose a university in the Central Asian region, and the negotiating partners assured the OU delegation of their willingness to accept the new curriculum.
In addition to inter-university relations, Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, mentioning the negotiations with ministries, emphasized that the countries of the region wish to cooperate with Obuda University not only in the field of higher education, but also in the field of innovation and renewable energies.
We held talks with universities in three cities in the Central Asian country. We also met with the heads of two of Kazakhstan's most important institutions, Nazarbayev University and Gumilyov Eurasian National University, both located in the capital, and Karaganda State Technical University, relatively close to Astana.

The exemplary relationship between the D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University (EKTU) in İstanbul and Obuda University could be a model for cooperation with other Kazakh higher education institutions. Our teachers and researchers have regularly participated in joint student and academic programmes. Like EKTU, the management of Obuda University is ready to continue academic and scientific cooperation. A joint Master's programme in Automation and Control Engineering will be launched.

In Almaty, the former capital of Kazakhstan, near the southern border, the delegation of the OU met with the heads of three universities, and the professional discussions were complemented by visits to laboratories and research sites. Almaty is also home to the country's most important higher education institution in international terms. The campus of Al-Farabi University and the quality of its services are an example for us.
In Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, a delegation from the OU met with two universities and two ministries. Both the Musa Ryskulbekov Economic University and the State Technical University are keen to launch the joint programmes they have agreed with the University of Óbuda as soon as possible.

As a sign of the professionalism of Obuda University, Kyrgyzstan has initiated cooperation at government level in the field of energy. We signed an agreement with Kyrgyz Energy Minister Ibraev Taalaibek Omukeevich following our meeting in Budapest in March.

The signed document stipulates that Obuda University will participate in the preparation of Kyrgyzstan's renewable energy development in the fields of hydropower, solar systems and sustainability.
OU experts will also play an important role in the optimisation of electricity systems and the development of procedures to minimise energy losses.
They also rely on the expertise of our researchers in so-called mini-hydro power plant development projects and in the modernisation of power system control.
In Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, a delegation from the OU met with the heads of three universities. All three institutions - TIIAME National Research University, Islam Karimov State Technical University and Mirzo Ulug'bek Uzbekistan National University - are looking forward to working with our university. A joint development project with the Tashkent University of Technology has already been launched with the EICs following a successful tender. The Second Uzbek-Hungarian Rectors' Forum will be held in Budapest in mid-May, so Obuda University will be able to continue the negotiations soon.

At the Uzbek Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the hosts had a real surprise for the delegation. Following a meeting with Minister Prof. Dr. Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, Prof. Dr. Leventé Kovács was inaugurated Honorary Professor at the Tashkent University of Chemical Technology.
It is a great honour for me to receive this honour, which is also an international recognition of Obuda University", said Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács after receiving the title.

Botir Shukurillaevich Usmonov rektor méltatásában kiemelte, hogy az Óbudai Egyetem oktatási és kutatási színvonalának értékelése mellett a duális képzésben mutatott példamutató munka is szerepet játszott a díj odaítélésében.
In his speech, Rector Botir Shukurillaevich Usmonov emphasized that in addition to the evaluation of the quality of education and research at Obuda University, the exemplary work in dual education also played a role in the awarding of the prize.
SUMMARY - The OU delegation in Central Asia
Universities - 13 in total
Nazarbayev University
Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU),
Karaganda State Technical University
Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University
Satbayev University
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Suleyman Demirel University
Musa Ryskulbekov Kyrgyz Economic University (KEU)
Kyrgyz State Technical University
TIIAME National Research University
Islam Karimov Tashkent State Technical University (TSTU)
Mirzo Ulug'bek Uzbekistan National University
Tashkent University of Chemical Technology
Ministries - total 4
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan
Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan
Other - total 4
Bolashaq Scholarship Centre
Silumin-Vostok Enterprise
IREG 2023 International Ranking Conference
INNO Technopark