Innovative solutions at Vethaton
Students from five countries took part in the VETATHON student innovation competition, organised jointly by the University of Veterinary Medicine and the Obuda University on 21 and 22 April. The teams had to come up with innovative ideas by the end of the 24-hour hackathon.

At the Vethaton, students from the University of Veterinary Medicine and the Obuda University competed against each other. All the first three winners included participants from our university. The first place went to the Puppy World team. Their topic was how to find a new owner for dogs "stuck" in municipal and civil animal shelters using innovative means. Second place went to the Waste Warriors with their project "Measures against food waste". "The bronze medal was awarded to the group Foo Foo Animal Friends. Their theme was "Effective communication tools and methods for a new generation of pet owners." The theme was.