RoBUTCHER: a successful milestone in robotic meat processing

Between 25-27 January 2023, the H2020 RoBUTCHER international consortium held its recent workshop in Kulmbach, Germany. Obuda University was represented at the event by Dr. Tamás Haidegger, Director General of the University Research and Innovation Centre (EKIK) and Kristóf Takács, researcher at the Antal Bejczy Centre for Intelligent Robotics (IROB).

The aim of the event was the start-up and professional operation of a test facility of the robotic pig processing cell developed during the project in a new environment in Germany, at the Max Rubner Institute (MRI). The Meat Factory robot cell was transferred from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) to the MRI's pork processing plant at the end of 2022, where it is being tested under industrial conditions during the remaining six months of the project. The newly commissioned robotic cell also houses the final prototype of a robotic meat gripper with smart technologies developed by IROB. The waterproof, robust device also provides important feedback to the robotic cell on the correct grasping position, successful grasping and possible slippage. In addition, it can be cleaned using standard industry procedures thanks to new seals that have one and a half times the closing force of the previous prototypes and an optimised gripping jaw design to ensure successful robotic gripping.

In addition to the technical discussions, the consortium visited the host MRI's pilot and research abattoir and meat laboratories. MRI is part of the German state administration, which is responsible for animal health, meat quality and food safety. MRI aims to maintain high standards of animal and food production and to provide consumers with reliable information. The institute is in close contact with German and international experts and regularly carries out research on food safety and animal welfare issues.

As previously reported, the H2020 RoBUTCHER is a Norwegian-coordinated consortium EU RDI project in which the IROB team at Obuda University was tasked with designing an innovative gripper that is suitable for both the removal of animal guts and the assistance required for limb cutting. The project aims to develop a new, cell-based approach to pork processing.

The consortium will hold its next workshop at our university in April 2023, focusing on upcoming joint projects.

Updated: 15.02.2023.

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