RoBUTCHER - on the road to international success!
The latest results of the RoBUTCHER project have been presented at two major international professional events in the last two months. Obuda University was represented by Dr. Tamás Haidegger, Director General of the University Research and Innovation Centre (EKIK) and Kristóf Takács, researcher at the Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics (BARK). The topic of their presentation was their robot-mounted intelligent soft tissue gripper project.
„At the ERF we held a half-day workshop on "Challenges in food processing robotics", while at the ICCC we presented a special session on Food and Agriculture Robotics. The topic of the presentation was a robot-mountable intelligent soft tissue gripper for our RoBUTCHER project. We first described the general operation and then focused on the integrated force measurement and slip-detection sensors developed at the university. These custom-designed sensors make the gripper intelligent and enable it to perform various meat gripping tasks automatically. The international audience was very interested in the solution we developed." said Kristóf Takács, summarising the two presentations.

RoBUTCHER H2020 is a consortium EU project coordinated by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), in which the BARK team from the Obuda University was tasked with designing an innovative gripper for the removal of animal entrails and assisted limb cutting. The waterproof, robust gripper, equipped with smart technologies can be fitted to the end of a conventional industrial robot, taking into account the mechanical and electrical requirements. The team has also integrated sensors into the gripper, which is important because it allows the robot to continuously adapt to real-life situations and react to certain events on its own. The team will next showcase its developments to the public on 30 September during the Researchers' Night.