For science and the future - winning Scientific Student Conference entries
Pro Scientia et Futuro, for science and the future - this is the motto of Obuda University, which was the theme of the 55th Scientific Students' Associations Conference on 27 April, which was held in 21 sections across the university's seven faculties. The announcement of the results took place on 4 May at the Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering, where Prof. Dr. András Molnár, General Vice-Rector, welcomed the students and their teachers. With 156 entries, 242 students entered this year's competition.
Dr. Zoltán Vámossy, Director of the Department of John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, who is responsible for the Scientific Students' Associations Conference, said that 21 first, 18 second, 13 third and 6 special prizes were awarded at the results ceremony. The Obuda University will enter 36 entries for the Annual Scientific Students' Associations Conference.
Alba Regia Technical Faculty
Youth section
1st prize
Kristóf Hortobágyi, Szabolcs Tagyi: Portable wind generator for residential use
Consultant: Dániel Kovács, secondary school teacher
Special prize
Martin Istenes, Gyula Bálint Csapó: Airplane runway control robot
Consultant: Dániel Kovács, secondary school teacher
Technical and Geoinformatics Section
1st prize
Bianka Bíró: AgroMAP - agricultural decision support software with site-specific data
Consultant: Valéria Balázsik, Associate Professor
2nd prize
Pretz Zsuzsanna Felícia: Promotion of dual training and its tools in a large company
Consultant: Éva Takács, Head of the Dean's Office
Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering
Safety Engineering Section
1st prize
Éva Szőke-Tóth: Qualification of PVD coatings by hardness measurement
Consultants: Dr. Richárd Horváth, Associate Professor, Prof. Dr. Mihály Réger Professor
2nd prize
Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Horváth Orsolya Margit: Face recognition and authentication based on a reduced database
Consultant: Prof. Dr. Tibor Kovács, Associate Professor.
3rd prize
Fanni Zsuzsanna Gózon: Hierarchical fuzzy-based cybersecurity risk assessment model
Consultants: Dr. habil Edit Laufer, Associate Professor, Dániel Váczi, IT-security consultant
Section Automotive Engineering
1st prize
Gábor Kovács: Pneumobile engine with multiple independent cylinders
Consultant: Péter Mihály Pintér, Institute Engineer
2nd prize
Máté Labutyin, János Tóth: Active running gear for Pneumobil
Consultant: Péter Felker, Institute Engineer
3rd prize
Szentmiklósi Máté: Motor Control Design of Robotic Hand-Head Prosthesis
Consultant: Dr. habil Laufer Edit, Associate Professor
Special prize
Bence Ujhegyi, Krisztián Molnár, Gábor Kovács
Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering Applications Section I
1st prize
Gellért Kiss: Solution Methods to Reduce the Voltage Raising Effect of Solar Panels on Distribution Networks
Consultant: Dr. Péter Kádár, Professor
2nd prize
Dániel Hekli: Smart Chessboard
Consultant: Tamás Sándor, Master teacher
Electrical Engineering Applications Section II.
1st prize
Attila Fodor: Application of a modelled electrical drive train as a reinforcement teaching environment
Consultant: Tamás Sándor, Master teacher
2nd prize
Péter Schmidt, János Gergő Kovács: Demonstration of the industrial application of a Delta robot through a chess game
Supervisor: Tamás Sándor, Master teacher
Electrical Engineering Applications Section III
1st prize
János Márk Bozorádi: Application of 3D MEMS force sensors for biomechanical testing
Consultants: Ferenc Braun, Departmental Engineer, Dr. Péter Fürjes, Head of Laboratory, EK MFA
2nd prize
Zoltán Madarász: Realisation and testing of digital musical timbre effects
Consultant: Dr. Tibor Wührl, Associate Professor
3rd prize
Xavér Elek Dragschitz: Installation of a smart radiation meter in a smart home system
Consultant: Gergely Kún, Assistant Professor
Special prize
Mak Midzic: Parking sensor application with LoRaWAN technology
Consultant: Döníz Borsos Döníz, departmental engineer
Keleti Károly Faculty of Business and Management
Value-creating processes section
1st prize
Ádám Mészáros: The difficulties of implementing Agile and within it the Scrum framework
Consultant. Csiszárik-Kocsir Ágnes, Associate Professor
Consumer Attitudes Section.
1st prize
Blanka Pintér: Cryptocurrency as the new currency of Generation Z?
Consultant: Dr. Ferenc Katona, Adjunct Professor
2nd prize
Rozália Hanna Szatmáry: Perceptions of advanced technologies
Consultant: Dr. Péter Szikora, Associate Professor
3rd prize
Gábor Ébert: Investigating financial culture and attitudes in Hungary
Consultant: Dr. habil. Csiszárik-Kocsir Ágnes, Associate Professor
Consumer Behaviour Section
1st prize
Kitti Tristen Dán: The impact of advertising placements on the consumer, with regard to the Alpha and Z generations
Consultant: Ildikó Gombaszögi, Master teacher
2nd prize
Gergely Neubrandt, Karolina Dan: Investigating changes in investment behaviour resulting from the personal income tax credit in the 18-25 age group
Consultant: Dr. Győző Szilágyi, Adjunct Professor
3rd prize
Zsófia Buzár, Rebeka Bartalos, Boglárka Molnár: Research on student motivation
Consultant: Dr. Gábor Gyarmati Adjunct Professor
Macroeconomics Section
1st prize
Zsófia Keszthelyi, Antónia Béres: The relationship between the happiness index and GDP
Consultant: Dr. Vitkor Nagy, Associate Professor
2nd prize
Eszter Nagy: Hungary's humanitarian activities during the Ukrainian-Russian conflict
Consultant: Ildikó Gombaszögi, Master teacher
3rd prize
Dávid Baráz: Is a solar system in Hungary worth it?
Consultant: Dr. Ferenc Katona, Adjunct Professor
Management Section
1st prize
Robalino Julianna Auróra: The impact of digitalisation on organisational culture from the employees' perspective
Consultant: Dr. Anikó Kelemen-Erdős, Associate Professor
2nd prize
Bálint Kerekes: Generational change in family businesses
Consultant: Dr. habil. Andrea Tick, Associate Professor
3rd prize
Nóra Kónyi: Employer branding strategy of automotive manufacturing companies in Hungary
Consultant: Réka Saáry, Assistant Professor
Special prize
Barna Szabó, Mirtill Fekete: Live captioning for the hearing impaired using a mobile application
Consultant: Annamária Cserfalvi, Departmental Engineer
Section of Business Economics
1st prize
MA LINFEI: Food safety and security in supply chain: the case of china
Consultant: Dr. Anikó Kelemen-Erdős, Associate Professor
2nd prize
Nóra Kónyi: Employer branding of a growing family business
Consultant: Dr. Judit Kárpáti-Daróczi, Adjunct Professor
3rd prize
Anna Rózsa, Erik Molnár András: Internal communication in a company - or the relationship between employer and employee
Consultant: Dr. Ferenc Katona, Adjunct Professor
Special prize
Vanessza Katona: The role of the social network in the communication policy of the cosmetic brand L\'OREAL PARIS
Consultant: Dr. Ferenc Katona, Adjunct Professor
John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics
IT Applications Section 1
1st prize
Bence Ligetfalvi: Active control support for debugging cloud orchestration processes
Consultant: Dr. habil. Róbert Lovas, Associate Professor
2nd prize
Melánia Puskás: Modelling of measurement error in preclinical experiments and its use for teaching neural networks
Consultant: Dr. Drexler Dániel András, Associate Professor
IT Applications Section 2
1st prize
Laura Gulyás Oldal: Authorship detection using Hungarian word embedding models based on deep learning.
Consultant: Dr. Gábor Kertész, Associate Professor
2nd prize
Roland Mikhel: Cross platform 3D Engine using WebGPU API in Rust
Consultant: Dr. habil. Szénási Sándor, Associate Professor
3rd prize
Ammar Abdulzahra Mousa: Proactive communication threat monitoring for cloud-based androids
Consultants: Dr. Katalin Szenes, Honorary Associate Professor and Bence Tureczki, assistant lecturer
IT Applications Section 3
1st prize
Almásy Márton György, Hörömpő András: On-policy deep reinforcement learning for tumour treatment optimisation
Consultants: Dr. Gábor Kertész, Associate Professor, Dániel Kiss, Assistant Professor
2nd prize
Szabolcs Róbert Bakos: Analysis of training exercises using mathematical algorithms and convolutional neural networks
Supervisor: Miklós Sipos, technical assistant
IT Applications Section 4
1st prize
Marcell Szántó, László Szász, Gergő Strasser: Gesture-based optimization of diabetes treatment
Consultants: Dr. György Eigner, Associate Professor, Dr. Gábor Kertész, Associate Professor, Lehel Dénes-Fazakas, Assistant Professor
2nd prize
Ádám Bence Bolya: Implementation of an agent-based cell simulator with individual state transitions
Consultant: Dániel Kiss, Assistant Professor
3rd prize
Dávid Turóczi: Classification of legal material using deep learning algorithms
Consultant: Dr. habil. Sándor Szénási, Associate Professor
Rejtő Sándor Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Protection Engineering
Environment section
1st prize
Dorottya Göndös: Recent heron survey data from Lake Kolon using a new method
Consultant: Dr. Gábor Bakó
2nd prize
Ákos Szilágyi: Real-time IoT measurement data collection tool for environmental protection
Consultant: Rita Bodáné Dr. Kendrovics, Associate Professor
3rd prize
Viktória Török, Rebeka Szalóki, Ádám Medveczki: Analysis of the bio-diversity of Zuzmós in different Hungarian areas
Consultant: Prof. Bayoumi Hamuda Hosam, Associate Professor
Design and Technology Section 1
1st prize
Eszter Illés: Design and packaging of hot food
Consultant: Dr. habil. Róbert Németh DLA, Associate Professor
2nd prize
Barbara Aliz Szabó: Implementation of an interactive product dispenser display
Consultant: Dr. habil. Róbert Németh DLA, Associate Professor
3rd Prize
Nikolett Vámos: Packaging and design of a family of rehabilitation sports equipment
Consultant: Anna Mária Tiefbrunner, Master teacher
Design and Technology Section 2
1st prize
Stefánia Bátai: Multifunctional modular sofa
Consultant: Prof. Márta Kisfaludy DLA, Professor
2nd prize
Ágnes Wippelhauser: Redesigning and adapting used furniture to the challenges of the modern world
Consultant: András Koleszár, Master teacher
3rd prize
Réka Szabó: Interior design of a community space for children with autism
Consultant: Dr. Orsolya Nagyné Dr. Szabó, Assistant Professor
Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
YBL 2022 Spring Session
1st prize
Blanka Flóra Takács, Gabriella Szunyog: Buildings of Badacsony and Badacsonytomaj built before 1850
Consultant: Dr. Gergely Nagy, Associate Professor
Special prize
Hanna Szenner, Angéla Deák: ki_talált_terek
Consultant: Dr. Györgyi Csontos, Associate Professor
The National Talent Programme and the Prime Minister's Office of the Human Resources Support Funding Agency (NTP-HHTDK-21), announced by the National Talent Programme and the Prime Minister's Office, support the activities and conferences of Obuda University in the academic year 2021/22.