SISY 2021 Symposium
Az IEEE 19th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2021) nemzetközi tudományos rendezvényt 2021. szeptember 16-18. között tartották meg online formában.

At the Opening Ceremony, Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, SISY 2021 General Chair, Rector of Obuda University, and IEEE Hungary Section Chair, reflected on the long-term development and scientific achievements of the symposium.

Dr. Márta Takács, SISY 2021 Organizing Committee Chair, emphasized the success of the event and the flexible work during the preparation, and thanked to all who were involved, authors, reviewers, committee member. Vice-Chair of IEEE Hungary Section, Dr. Dániel András Drexler, underlined the very important role of IEEE in the process, since it gives a world-wide transparency and availability to the conference publications.

Two high-level recognized professors accepted the invitation to give a plenary talk. Prof. Dr. Ljiljana Trajković (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada) delivered her talk on ’Data Mining and Machine Learning for Analysis of Network Traffic’ and Prof. Dr. Ljubomir Lazić’s (Union University, Belgrade, Serbia) plenary talk title was ’Artificial Neural Network Architectures and Orthogonal Arrays in Estimation of Software Projects Efforts Estimation’. Colleagues from Obuda University were very active, Dr. Edit Laufer organized the Special Session on Soft Computing-based Risk Management, and Prof. Dr. László Horváth prepared and conducted the Special Session on PhD Student Research in Applied Informatics and Numerical Mathematics.
Conference proceedings that meet IEEE quality review standards may be eligible for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, which is the main goal of the organizers.