2021 RoboSchool Budapest
AI and Robotics in the agro-food sector
Call for Participation
Budapest, November 15-17.
Brought to you by: RoBUTCHER (H2020) https://robutcher.eu/
In conjunction with IEEE CINTI’21 symposium http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/cinti2021
Dear PhD/MSc students in engineering,
You are encouraged to participate in this very special event that gives a unique opportunity to interact with outstanding specialists in the area of food/agricultural robotics. RoboSchool offers a workshop on AI and robotics that relate to automated food-processing in a live event that includes lectures and demonstrations by industrial and scientific professionals within the field. The RoboSchool was made possible thanks to the EU H2020 RoBUTCHER Project[1].
The agri-food sector covers a wide range of agricultural and food-related industries from the general seeding, weeding, harvesting processes to forestry or the meat-sector. Different autonomous machines and even teleoperated systems already exist for some selected tasks. However, automation of these sectors is lagging behind compared to the general trends in the industry. The automation challenges are similar in all agri-food sectors, typically originating from the natural biodiversity of all plants, crops and animals. The RoboSchool will present the participants the real challenges that the industry face and the state-of-the-art solutions for tackling them, covering robot-programming, neural networks and intelligent embedded systems and with a focus on the red-meat sector.
The school is open to everybody, but previous knowledge or equivalent practical experience, at least at the Bachelor level in engineering (e.g., system, computer, electronic or industrial engineering, computer science, informatics) or similar, is recommended.
The organiser will provide the two lunches and dinners. However, participants need to arrange accommodation for themselves. RoboSchool lectures and demonstrations will be given by top experts from industry and academia, delivering fresh, advanced knowledge. Speakers from the RoBUTCHER Project will present different aspects of this novel approach of slaughterhouse-automation and, invited DIH members along with IEEE RAS experts will also showcase the latest research and results in their fields. Students will also be able to give a poster-presentation about their ongoing projects during the RoboSchool and are encouraged to participate and publish their work at the CINTI2021 conference[2], which also takes place in Budapest immediately after the RoboSchool, and includes a special session on agrifood robotics.
Industry participation is strongly encouraged. The RoboSchool is not only a platform to disseminate R&D results, follow courses and learn new knowledge from top professionals it is also a chance to meet and interact with new people. It is an opportunity for discussions with outstanding researchers, developers, academic lecturers, advanced students and other participants and to generate new collaborations with talented people who may become future employees of your companies as well.
Registration deadline: 2021-09-26 midnight CET
Registration form: https://forms.gle/NjbgJefLpqjBkizC7
RoboSchool participation fee: €200 (covering all meals and the scientific program)
Filling out the form qualifies only as declaration of intent, the organiser reserves the right to select the best applicants based on their merits. Notification about acceptance should be expected in email, 5 days after registration deadline.
Program (November 15-17, 2021)
Monday: Meet & Greet in the afternoon
- Midday arrival to Budapest, own transportation to the venue
- 16:00 Lab tour at the Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics, EKIK, Obuda University (Becsi ut 96/B, Budapest, H-1034)
- 18:00 Informal welcome event
- 21:00 informal Pub Crawl
Tuesday (11.16):
- 8:30: arrival @Obuda University, coffee&snack
- 9:00: Welcome talk – Dr. Tamás Haidegger
- 9:30: Introduction to agrofood and the red meat sector automation – Dr. Alex Mason
- 10:30: Break
- 11:00: Introduction to Deep Neural Networks
- 12:30: Lunch
- 13:30: DNN workshop
- 15:00: Invited keynote lecture (TBA)
- 16:00: Break
- 19:00: Dinner @Trófea Grill Restaurant
Wednesday (11.17):
- 8:30: arrival @Obuda University, coffee&snack
- 9:00: Agrofood robotics – Invited keynote lecture
- 10:00: Break
- 10:15: DNN Workshop
- 12:15: Lunch
- 13:00: Agrifood robotics – Invited keynote lecture
- 14:00: Poster session
- 16:00: Break
- 19:00: Dinner @Sightseeing Cruise (TBC)
Thursday (11.18): IEEE CINTI Special Session on AI & ROBOTICS in AGRICULTURE
Please see submission details at http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/cinti2021/
Special session submission deadline: September 30, 2021 midnight CET
Questions shall be addressed to robutcher@irob.uni-obuda.hu

Looking forward to seeing you in Budapest!
Disclaimer: Your safety is our priority. The organizers will always respect all effective rules and recommendations for public health during the COVID-19 pandemic. All events will be organized in such a manner to ensure personal safety and infection prevention.
[1] RoBUTCHER Project: A Robust, Flexible and Scalable Cognitive Robotics Platform (https://robutcher.eu/)
[2] 21st IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (http://conf.uni-obuda.hu/cinti2021/)