Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering



1146 Budapest, Thököly út 74.

Official website


+36 (1) 666-5789

The 140-year-old Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering joined Obuda University on 1 August 2020, enriching its educational profile with BSc and MSc in Architecture, BSc in Civil Engineering, Smart City, Fire Protection and Master of Civil Engineering postgraduate courses. The practice of engineering requires the ability to see the sub-disciplines and creatively synthesize the whole design process - the development of which is the focus of our training. The workshop method is prominent in our architectural education. The project-based programme is unique in the country in breaking away from chronological knowledge transfer and replacing it with thematic teaching of topics. Our civil engineering programme offers students a choice of four specializations. Teaching is complemented by work in our measurement camps and laboratories, including the only one of its kind in the country, the Fire Safety Laboratory. Research work in the Faculty focuses on applied arts and engineering, professional practice in collaboration with a range of industrial and professional partners. Strategic research directions include the interdisciplinary theme of the "smart city" and building informatics. The results are published in the faculty's journal Ybl Journal of Built Environment besides international forums.


Updated: 23.08.2023.