The university is launching an excellence scholarship program with HUF 900 million

The management of Obuda University can plan and achieve its objectives in a predictable way along a much more stable operational and budgetary source than before - emphasized Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács, announcing the new scholarship program of the university. With a budget of HUF 900 million, three types of scholarships have been announced, the most important goal of which is to strengthen the quality of research, development and education in an international comparison.

Through the Distinguished Professor of Obuda University program, the winning applicants can receive a total of HUF 200 million for 4 years. The application with a budget of HUF 400 million can be applied for until March 29, 2022. More information about the application can be found here.

Within the framework of the Consolidator Researcher program, the winning applicants will receive a grant of HUF 100 million for 4 years, here the budget is HUF 300 million, and the program can also be applied for until March 29. More information about the application can be found here.

Within the framework of the Starting Excellence Researcher program, the university will provide HUF 40 million to the winners for four years. Applicants are invited to apply for the HUF 200 million tender until March 29. More information about the application can be found here.


Updated: 07.04.2022.

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