Obuda University has climbed over 400 positions and advanced two levels in the THE rankings
2024. november. 13
Obuda University as a Highlighted Participant at the THE Central Asian University Forum
2024. november. 06
Leadership of Times Higher Education Visits Obuda University
2024. október. 28
Obuda University hosted an international ranking conference
2023. november. 27
Obuda University is at the top of the subject rankings
2023. október. 27
Obuda University is the technical university with the best research quality (Reseach Quality) in the V4 region in THE’s latest 2024 ranking
2023. szeptember. 28
Obuda University is the fourth best Hungarian higher education institution in THE’s ranking
2022. október. 12
Obuda University is featured in another international ranking
2021. október. 26