Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Name of the organization in its native language: Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave

Name of the organization in English: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Address: Vazovova 5, Bratislava, 812 43, Slovakia

Statutory representative: Dr.h.c., prof h.c., prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Moravčík, Rector


Short Description of the university

The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) is a modern research and higher education institution. It continues a legacy of the 260-year-old Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica, where the foundations of vocational and practical learning were established. STU offers education in technical fields and involves students in research in natural sciences, computer sciences, construction, architecture, materials technologies, chemistry and food technologies.

At international level, STU has closed hundreds of collaboration agreements with foreign universities, faculties and research institutes. Every year almost 500 students are sent abroad on study stays and/or participate in student exchange programmes.

Research teams at the University are involved in international projects and annually deal with about 700 research projects funded through grants and hundreds of research contracts commissioned by businesses.

STU graduates are among the most desirable and the highest paid employees on the Slovakian labour market. Almost 11 000 students attend its 7 faculties and the Institute of Management.
All the faculties provide a study in accredited study programmes within the complex system of a bachelor, master and PhD. study. STU also offers lifelong learning programmes and an MBA programme in cooperation with TU Wien.

Faculties realise credit system compatible with the European credit transfer system enabling mutual mobility of students within European Union member countries and a larger European space.


Name: Prof. Ing. Alojz Kopáčik, PhD.

Position: Institute chief official, Department of Surveying, Faculty of Civil Engineering / Vice-rector for Science, Research and Doctoral Degree, Rectorate

Tel: +421 940 982 484


Updated: 10.05.2024.