
The Rector of Obuda University is Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács.

The Rector is the University’s highest-ranking official and principal representative. The Rector may delegate his right of representation either on a permanent or case-by-case basis, depending on the matter at hand.

The Rector is appointed and relieved of duty by the President of the Republic based on the decision of the Senate and the approval of the Maintainer, upon the Maintainer’s recommendation. The Maintainer exercises employer’s rights over the Rector.

The Rector is responsible for the lawful operation and management of the University, and within this framework, fully exercises employer’s rights over all employees, as well as all entitlements associated with commissions. In accordance with the provisions of the Organizational and Operational Regulations, the Rector may delegate parts of his authority and employer’s rights.

The duties and authority of the Rector of Obuda University are described in detail in the Obuda University Organizational and Operational Regulations.

Updated: 10.02.2025.