The History of the University

In 1879, during the development of public education and the school construction period, the Minister of Religion and Public Education, Ágoston Trefort, founded the first legal predecessor of the institution, the Budapest State Central Industrial Office. The teachers of the institution – such as Dániel Arany, Dr. Jenő Egerváry, Ödön Faragó, Ödon Lencz, Gusztáv Klemp, Lajos Petrik – famous former students – such as József Galamb – and many others have greatly contributed to the development of the economy, the international reputation of our institution. Nine years later, our other legal predecessor, the Vocational School of Mechanics and Great Industry, was established.

Similar parallelism characterizes the development of the secondary and then higher education. The event of the founding of the Bánki Donát Mechanical Engineering Technical College and the Kandó Kálmán Electrical Engineering Technical College 45 years ago, followed by the establishment of the Light Industry College, provided the basis for the completion of practice-oriented technical HE in Budapest.

The establishment of the Budapest College of Technology in 1999 integrated the previously independent colleges into an HE institution, the dynamic development of which made it possible eleven years later to create the University of Óbuda in the 21st century. This institution is the spiritual heir of the University of Óbuda, which was  originally established on August 1, 1410, 600 years earlier.

Nurturing traditions and progress as well as  dynamic development characterize the university. Nowadays, Obuda University is an internationally recognized and competitive institution in the fields of science  in education, research and innovation. A university that is popular in the eyes of applicants, an institution recognized by the market.

The primary mission of the university is to serve science and the future through the high-level transfer and development of knowledge, and research and innovation. As an active and recognized player in the global HE market, Obuda University is an institution providing quality and competitive services, an is an active and committed participant in the creation of a knowledge-based society and economy as a part of the European Higher Education Area.

Updated: 10.05.2024.