Rules and Regulations
The Hungarian higher education system may be very different to your own educational system at home.
Readers should be aware that only the Hungarian versions of the regulations have legal force. The English translation is strictly for reference and cannot be invoked as a legal tool.
- Find out how lectures, courses and exams work at Obuda University;
- Familiarise yourself with the concept of ECTS credits;
- Study the in-depth catalogue of all rules and regulations;
- Stipendium Hungaricum Programme Operational Regulations, as of 25 July 2023
- Other rules and documents related to the Stipendium Hangaricum Programme
- Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship Programme – Operational Regulations – as of 11 August 2023
- Other rules and documents related to the Hungarian Diaspora Scholarhsip Programme
- The Regulations of Students’ Scholarly Circles
- The Order of Procedures Related to the Prevention of Student Accidents and to Be Followed in Case of Accidents
- The academic calendar gives you an overview of all important events during the academic year, including semester breaks and public holidays.
- Please contribute to education quality improvements by completing the questionnaires on assessment of professors’ work and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the token system.
- Please contribute to the quality improvement of the student services by completing the questionnaires on assessment of services. The questionnaire is available here from the beginning of the exam period each semester.