Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering



1081 Budapest, Népszínház str. 8.

Official website


+36 (1) 666-5345

The Faculty offers industry-recognized engineering courses; mechanical, mechatronic and security engineering bachelor and master degrees, as well as doctoral studies in safety and security sciences. Special continuing education programs provide opportunities for further education. Students who are willing to study can participate in scholarship programs through corporate and social offerings. Eighty-four percent of our instructors have PhD degrees, eight of the professors have habilitation, and four have the title of Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Faculty publishes an average of 400 research articles annually, of which the qualified publications (D1-Q4) are around 40. The Faculty organizes numerous national and international conferences, such as Engineering Symposium at Bánki (ESB), International Mechatronical Student Micro-Conference (IMSμC), Labor Safety Symposium and Training, Safety Symposium. The Faculty also has a scientific journal, the Bánki Review. The Faculty has developed a diverse network of professional and industrial contacts over the past decades. We currently have 130 active registered industrial partners, these professional partnerships include engineering consultations, job fairs, educational and industrial activities, and promotional events. Other possibilities add apprenticeships, cooperative on-site trainings, as well as factory visits add to the list. The Faculty’s so-called third mission includes, maintaining close relations with the kindergartens of the settlements connected to the life of Donát Bánki. We provide regular support and participation for the children of Bakonybánk and Lovászpatona. We also support students from the Educational Institution of Special Needs and Elementary School of Józsefváros where our buildings are located.


Updated: 04.08.2023.