Interior and fashion design II. - RTXEO2EBNE
Academic year/semester: 2024/25/2
ECTS Credits: 4
Available for: Only for the faculty’s students
Lecture hours: 2
Practice: 0
Laboratory: 2
Consultation: -
Prerequisites: Interior and fashion design I.
Course Leader: Éva Hottó
Faculty: Rejtő Sándor Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering, 1034 Budapest, Doberdó utca 6.
Course Description:
Simple and special fabric structures and their production. Pattern types, pattern and style.
Color pattern design for striped and checkered fabrics
Textile printing and printing processes, production criteria of the samples.
Possibilities for designing patterns, concept and techniques of report. Special color
schemes (transfer printing, inkjet printing, etc.). Colorits, patterns, sample families on
different surfaces, materials (tiles, concrete, paper, textiles, etc.). Effect of style and pattern
in the interior. Computer aided pattern design.
Types of commercial garment trend collections, characteristics of their making.
Types, typical shapes and solutions of clothing and accessories made of leather and leather
type materials. Leather decoration techniques. Typical shoe types.
The language of profession and its special terms in Hungarian and foreign languages.
a) knowledge - Knowledge of basic construction designs and their dimensioning basics. b) capabilities - Able to design the form and construction of relatively simple products by taking into account the limits of production technology, the costs expected, and impacts on the environment. - Able to perform the virtual modelling of product concepts and products using 3D computer-aided design systems as well as to produce their technical documentation. - Able to give reasons for the decisions related to the product designed, as well as to test them and support them by technical and standard investigation methods.
Assessment: Practice Tasks
Exam Types:
Written Exam
Compulsory bibliography: 1. Dr. Hottó Éva, Dr. habil Kisfaludy Márta, Szűcs Ágnes: Bevezetés az öltözéktervezésbe I. OE RKK 6042, elektronikus jegyzet, 2013. 2. Dr. Hottó Éva, Dr. habil Kisfaludy Márta, Szűcs Ágnes: Bevezetés az öltözéktervezésbe II. OE RKK 6052, elektronikus jegyzet, 2014. 3. Korona Péterné: Bőrtermékek és az öltözködés bőr kiegészítői ÓE-RKK 6064. Budapest, 2015. 4. Dr. Beke J. - Farkas M. - Horváth A. – Kovács A. – Matlák Z.: Könnyű-ipari enciklopédia /1-2 Bőr- és bőrfeldolgozóipar; BMF-RKK-6000/II. Budapest, 2002 5. Medveczkyné P.B., Dr. Szűcs I, Szabó R.,Pataki M. Dr. Kokasné P.L, Sinkáné K.A.:Könnyűipari enciklopédia I/3. - Textilipari technológiák - Budapest, BMF-RKK- 6000/III. 2002; 6. Landgráf Katalin, Penkala Éva, Szittner Andrea: Nagy szövéskönyv 1.-2. Mezőgazda Kiadó Kft.2001 -2004
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