Knowledge of textiles and construction - RTXAK1EBNE
Academic year/semester: 2024/25/2
ECTS Credits: 4
Available for: Only for the faculty’s students
Lecture hours: 2
Practice: 0
Laboratory: 2
Consultation: -
Prerequisites: Technology of specialization I.
Course Leader: Judit Borsa PhD
Faculty: Rejtő Sándor Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering, 1034 Budapest, Doberdó utca 6.
Course Description:
Types of textiles, traditional and modern materials. The most common types and uses of
woven, knitted and nonwoven fabrics
Functional and intelligent textiles.
Textile testings. Technical data, main characteristics and measurement of linear textiles,
fabrics and knitted and crocheted fabrics. Investigation of the behavior of textiles against
various stresses during use.
Basic knowledge of architecture, properties of materials used in buildings and their
applications. Coverings, doors and windows, etc. Basics of building engineering.
Dimensions / types / specifications of household and home equipments, lamps, lighting
fixtures. Requirements for placement of interior materials (wall and floor tiles, parquet,
wallpaper, etc.) and determination of quantity required.
Size research, size charts, size standards. The proportions of the human body in terms of
clothing design. Body features and their effect on dress designs. Design solutions for
various interior and clothing products. Modeling rules. Modeling methods for different
component types.
Mock-up and innovative experiments for the project task.
a) knowledge - Knowledge of basic construction designs and their dimensioning basics. - Knowledge of the most important practical work techniques of their special field. b) capabilities - Able to design the form and construction of relatively simple products by taking into account the limits of production technology, the costs expected, and impacts on the environment. - Able to master new knowledge by solving practical problems empirically. c) attitude - Motivated to familiarize with the latest development trends, solutions and innovations in their special field.
Exam Types:
Practice Mark
Compulsory bibliography: 1. Fischer, Horst – Uhling, Kurt Jeni: Bels építészet. Sziget kiadó, Bp. 2002 2. Weiss, Ulrich: A fürd szoba beépítése. Magyar Könyvklub, Bp. 2000 3. Medveczkyné P.B., Dr. Szücs I., Szabó R. Pataki M., Dr. Kokasné P.L., Sinkáné Dr. Király A.: Könny ipari enciklopédia I/3. Textilipari technológiák. BMF-RKK-6000/III. Bp. 2002. 4. Fenyvesi Éva: Újszer textilipari és m szaki szálasanyagok. Magyar Textiltechnika 1994. évi különszáma 6. TMTE szakmai kiadványai 8. Rundschau szaklapok 5. electronic notes and aids prepared by the instructor
Recommended bibliography: 1. Korona Péterné: B rtermékek és az öltözködés b r kiegészít i. OE RKK 6064 elektronikus jegyzet, 2015 2. Dr. Hottó Éva, Dr. habil Kisfaludy Márta, Sz cs Ágnes: Bevezetés az öltözködéstervezésbe II. OE RKK 6052, elektronikus jegyzet, 2014. 3. Dán Zoltán - Déri Ágostonné: Gyártmánytervezés I. Bp.KMF 1998. 4. Benk Istvánné, Deákfalvi Sarolta: Niruha-készít szakrajz I. Mszaki Könyvkiadó, Bp. 2000. 5. Ábrahámné, Benkné, Kun Andrásné: Ni szabás-szakrajz I. Göttinger kiadó1998. 6. Benk I.-né, Hodován J., Kun Andrásné: Ruhaipari szabás-szakrajz, MDI-Göttinger Kiadó, 1996.
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