Board of Trustees
From 1 August 2021, the legal form of Obuda University has changed from a state university to a university operated by a foundation. As a result of the change in operation, the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Obuda University has become the founder, owner, and maintainer of the University.
Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the model change, our aim is to renew our university in line with economic challenges and market expectations. In the future, the academic community of the University will be able to develop its own long-term vision and participate directly in the process of its implementation. The institution, under the supervision and direct participation of the Board of Trustees, is given a strong guarantee to become a 21st century university.
The executive body of the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Obuda University is the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees has 5 natural persons who are the leading officers of the Foundation.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Dr. András Cser-Palkovics
Dr. András Cser-Palkovics was born in 1974 in Székesfehérvár. He obtained his law degree at the University of Pécs and became a legal expert of European Law, after his studies he joined the Videoton Group as a legal adviser and councellor.
Since 2002, he has been a member of the Assembly of the City of Székesfehérvár, and between 2006 and 2014 he was a Member of Parliament.
Since 2010, he has been Mayor of Székesfehérvár. His mayoral programme has focused on the intensive development of higher education and adult education in Székesfehérvár, and on the expansion of the city’s heavy and manufacturing sectors with locally nurtured knowledge capital.
Under his leadership, the Municipality of Székesfehérvár entered into a partnership with Obuda University, which resulted in the creation of the Alba Regia Faculty of Technology. Dr. András Cser-Palkovics has made it a priority to serve the expectations of young people, including both prospective and current students, as fully as possible, both in terms of higher education and local government opportunities, and has been a long-standing advocate of stronger symbiosis between the labour market and the university sector.
In 2018, he received the “Ambassador of Digital Education” award from the IVSZ for promoting digital and robotics education and adult learning, and for the creation of the Alba Innovar Digital Experience Centre.
In 2019 he was awarded the “Mayor of the Year” award.
Since 2021 he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Obuda University.

Member of the Board of Trustees
Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács

Prof. Dr. Levente Kovács graduated in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Timisoara in 2000 and received his MSc in public health engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in 2011.
He received his PhD in 2008, also from BME. His research interests are mainly in the areas of modern control theory and physiological regulation, where he has published more than 450 international journal articles and refereed international conference papers. His cumulative impact factor is above 100, h-index 24.
Currently – since 2019 – he is the Rector of Obuda University, formerly Deputy Rector for Education and Professor at the John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics.
He habilitated in 2013 with excellent results. He is a regular member of the Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics and of the University Doctoral and Habilitation Council, and head of the Knowledge Centre for Life Science Controls.
In 2012-2015 he was a Bolyai János Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Member of the IEEE Organization since 2009, IEEE Senior Member since 2018, IEEE EMBS and IEEE SMC since 2012, IEEE CSS Society since 2013, President of the IEEE Hungary Section since 2017, previously Membership Officer since 2010, Vice President of the IEEE Hungary Section since 2013, President of the IEEE SMC Hungary Chapter since 2015, and IEEE CSS Hungary Chapter since 2018.
He is also a member of the Biomedical Panel (TC 8.2) and the Control Engineering Education Panel (TC 9.4) of the International Federation for Automation (IFAC) and the Hungarian Diabetes Society since 2010.
In 2015, he was awarded with the ERC StG, the most competitive research grant in the EU.
Member of the Board of Trustees
Ottó Sinkó
Born in 1958. He graduated as an electrical engineer from the Budapest University of Technology in 1982.
From 1982 he worked as a software development engineer at Medicor, from 1983 as a development engineer at Műszertechnika and later as head of the hardware/software development department. Between 1988 and 1990 he was resident director of the US subsidiary of Műszertechnika. The subsidiary, unusually for the Soviet bloc at the time, marketed high-tech IT hardware/software products developed in Hungary and manufactured in Taiwan and sold to the US market. The subsidiary is still one of the owners of Műszertechnika Rt.
He holds an MBA in English from1994 and attended Harvard’s executive program in 1996.
Since December 1991, after privatization, he has been the owner-manager of VIDEOTON Holding Rt. and a member of the Board of Directors. Since 1996, he has shared the operational and strategic management of VIDEOTON as co-CEO with Péter Lakatos. His primary areas of responsibility include the financial management of the group, investment and treasury decisions, asset utilisation, investments, and control of the operational activities of the companies. Under their leadership, VIDEOTON has been the largest domestically owned manufacturing company in Hungary for two decades. The company’s growth has been outstanding since the 2008 crisis, its turnover has multiplied since then, and its added value has consistently ranked among the top three contract manufacturers in the EU.
He also takes on social responsibilities, including in higher education. He is active in sports, squash, and cycling. Besides reading, his hobby is the Hungarian painting. He is a local patriot from Székesfehérvár, his charitable activities are extensive, and he has been a supporter of the Csaba Böjte Monk Foundation for 10 years. Of his 3 sons, the two adults work for Videoton.

Member of the Board of Trustees
Dr. István Szászi

Dr. István Szászi was born in Mátészalka, Hungary, and graduated from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 1997 with a degree in automotive engineering, followed by a PhD in 2004 in the field of fault-tolerant vehicle dynamics systems control, and an MBA in 2005 in finance and economics, quality and production management. He continued his academic career as an assistant professor and then as an associate professor.
In 2004, he continued his career in the business sector as a project engineer for the Bosch Group in Hungary, before starting his management career in 2006 in Reutlingen, Germany. In 2009, he became Group Manager and then Head of the Vehicle Control Systems Development Department at the Budapest Development Center. After another assignment in Germany, he took over the management of the automotive electronics development division at the Budapest site in 2018.
He holds office as Head of the Bosch Group Hungary and Adriatic Region from 1 July 2021. He is responsible for more than 20,000 employees in the region, including thousands of development engineers in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria.
He is involved in mentoring programmes for managers, is a member of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering and an honorary associate professor at BME.
Dr. István Szászi has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Rudolf Kalman Foundation for Obuda University since 25 March 2022.
Member of the Board of Trustees
Zoltán Nagy
Zoltán Nagy was born in 1964 in Püspökladány, studied in Budapest, graduated in 1988 from the Marx Károly University of Economics, as an agricultural economist.
He started working in the local farmers’ cooperative in Mezőberény as head of the economics department and later as chief accountant/financial manager. In 1992 he was elected by the general assembly of the cooperative as president-cum-accountant of the cooperative, a term which ended in 1994.
For the next 5 years, he continued his career as an economics director at KITE Rt. in Náduvar, one of the largest agricultural integrators in the country, where he was responsible for the organisation, management and control of the company’s financial, accounting, economic and labour systems.
From 2000, for nearly 5 years, he worked as head of the banking department at the Vár Street branch of Postabank and Takarékpénztár Rt. in Debrecen.
Since 2005 he was engaged in building up his own business, as the managing director of the family-owned company he was involved in the management of EU and nationally funded tenders, resource brokerage and financial consultancy.
Since the summer of 2013, he has been working at his current position at GRÁNIT Bank Zrt., where he has been actively involved in the bank’s uninterrupted growth, which is almost unprecedented on an international level, as Head of Compliance and Deputy CEO. The Bank has grown from an initial balance sheet total of some HUF 10 billion to a stable, medium sized bank with a balance sheet total of over HUF 1000 billion, achieving significant results.
Since the summer of 2013, he has been working at his current position at GRÁNIT Bank Zrt., where he is actively involved in the bank’s uninterrupted growth, which is almost unprecedented on an international level, as Head of Compliance and Deputy CEO. The Bank has grown from an initial balance sheet total of some HUF 10 billion to a stable, medium sized bank with a balance sheet total of over HUF 1000 billion, achieving significant results.
In 2014, János Áder, President of the Republic of Hungary, awarded the Hungarian Golden Cross of Merit to him for its successful professional activities in the development of Hungarian enterprises.
Married, father of 2 children. He is active in sports, playing table tennis competitively in the 1st class championship in Budapest.