�buda University e-Bulletin
ISSN 2062-2872

Editorial Policy

Aims and Scope

�buda University e-Bulletin is a multidisciplinary international peer reviewed journal of applied sciences publishing high-quality articles in min. 4 issues per year. The journal aims to provide an international forum for the publication of original research along with interpretative reviews and discussions of new scientific fields and developments.

The scope of the journal involves:

. Business Economics
. Education Science
. Engineering Science
. Safety Sciences

The overall focus of the journal is on original research results which have generic significance; however, well formulated research plans and reports of carefully executed experimental works are also welcome.

The Business Economics track invites manuscripts on economic issues and problems related to business organisation, enterprise management and strategy. Papers with a holistic approach addressing organisational culture, leadership and other interpersonal relations, as well as articles of functional approaches of business ventures are warmly welcome. The track also calls for articles on contemporary hot topics of economics such as SMEs, entrepreneurship and corporate responsibility.

The Education Science track invites papers dealing with theoretical and conceptual analysis of pedagogy as well as researches on the processes of teaching and learning. In addition to articles on practical issues, such as the means and methodology of creating an effective learning environment, or the management of educational institutions papers on more interpretative approaches of the topic like perceptions/motivation/willingness of those co-creating the teaching-learning process are gladly received.

The Engineering Science track invites submissions devoted to material sciences; and manufacturing as a complex process, involving topics such as measurements and quality management too. Papers addressing the planning, optimisation and technology of manufacturing (for instance cutting, melding, welding, forming, etc.) as well as articles about computer-integrated manufacturing systems (cad, capp, cam, caq, cim, ...) are warmly welcome. Studies on new, innovative technologies, like micro-machining, 3D printing, environmental friendly green technologies are also appreciated.

The Safety Sciences track invites papers on the theory and practice of organisational and human safety and security. Besides contingencialist researches on the effectiveness of defence systems, on the assessment, management and communication of risks or on management techniques and standard operating protocols, articles addressing behavioural approaches such as the antecedents and consequences of individual hazardous activities (decisions and actions) are awaited.


Only manuscripts with high standards of scientific quality that also meet the language requirements are published in �buda University e-Bulletin. This is ensured by subjecting each paper to a strict assessment procedure by members of the International Advisory Board. The objective is to maintain the high niveau of the journal by publishing papers that truly meet the following basic technical and scientific criteria.

Technical criteria

. The manuscript should fulfil the format requirements
. The manuscript should fulfil the plagiarism requirements
. The paper should be well and clearly written (English is only part of this requirement)
. The manuscript should be well structured and easy to follow
. The title should be interesting and adequate

Scientific criteria

. The manuscript should be within the scope of �buda University e-Bulletin
. The authors should be acquainted with recently published journal papers, the references should be up-to-date
. There should be new results in the manuscript (except review papers)
. The manuscript should have a potential to stimulate further research

The editors have the right to reject any manuscripts without justification if it does not fit into the policy of APH.

Submission of Papers

Authors are encouraged to submit high quality, original work that has neither appeared in, nor is under consideration by, other journals.

Paper of min 10 and max 20 pages should be submitted through an electronic paper submission system. Only papers in MSWORD (doc, docx) or in Portable Document Format (pdf) will be accepted.

The camera ready manuscript should contain the following items: informative title for the paper, author's name, address and e-mail, abstract of 100 to 250 words at the head of the manuscript, 3-5 keywords, main body of the paper, appropriate conclusion and up to date references. Acknowledgment of financial or advisory support may also be expressed.

References should appear in alphabetical order. References in the text should be denoted by numbers in square brackets, e.g. [10]. References should be complete, in the following style:

. Papers: Author(s) initials followed by last name for each author, paper title, publication name, volume, inclusive page numbers, month and year.
. Books: Author(s), title, publisher, location, year, chapter or page numbers (if desired).

Each figure should be mentioned in the text and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Specify the desired location of each figure in the text, but place the figure itself on a separate page following the text.

Number each table consecutively using Arabic numerals. Please label any material that can be typeset as a table, reserving the term "figure" for material that has been drawn. Specify the desired location of each table in the text, but place the table itself on a separate page following the text. Type a brief title above each table.

For the expected paper format, please visit the website of the journal (paper format).

Review Process

Submitted papers are reviewed by international referees. The refereeing is done by anonymous reviewers.

Phases of the process:

. Format requirements checking
. Plagiarism checking
. English language pre-review
. Blind peer review
. English proofreading

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