�buda University e-Bulletin
ISSN 2062-2872

Volume 2
Issue Number 1

In this issue

Usage Dependent Rehabilitation and Maintenance Model for Special Engineering Structures
Korn�lia Ambrus-Somogyi, Andr�s Bak�

Variations in Water Quality of Danube River at Budapest City
Hosam E. A. F. Bayoumi Hamuda, Istv�n Patk�

Colorimetric Properties of Flexographic Printed Foils: the Effect of Impression
�kos Borb�ly, Roz�lia Szentgy�rgyv�lgyi

Fractal Characterisation of Worn Surfaces
�rp�d Czifra, Istv�n Bar�nyi

Supporting Higher Education Marketing with Results of Graduate Career Track System
Vera G�nd�r, Zolt�n Koczor, J�zsef G�ti

Strategy for Improve the Global Food Production
Hosam E. A. F. Bayoumi Hamuda, Istv�n Patk�

A Contribution to Expert Decision-based Virtual Product Development
L�szl� Horv�th, Imre J. Rudas

Adaptive Object Definition in Lifecycle Engineering of Products
L�szl� Horv�th, Imre J. Rudas

Individual Engineer Knowledge Controlled Lifecycle Product Definition
L�szl� Horv�th, Imre J. Rudas

Ten Years of the HUNVEYOR Educational Space Probe
Gy�rgy Hudoba

How can our smartphone help to stay fit and healthy
G�bor Kiss

Measuring Computer Science Knowledge Level of Hungarian and Slovakian elementary school students
G�bor Kiss

Challenges of The Hungarian Textile and Clothing Industry and Textile Education

RTOS Program Models Used in Embedded Systems
J�zsef Kopj�k, J�nos Kov�cs

Fuzzy Neural Networks as �Good� Function Approximators
Rita Lovassy, L�szl� T. K�czy, Imre J. Rudas, L�szl� G�l

Innovative Textiles Test in Wearing Brace
Nagyn� Szab� Orsolya, Kolesz�r Andr�s

Novel Alternative for the GaAs-based Self-organized Quantum-structure
�kos Nemcsics

Development of Measurement Method for Testing the Shielding Properties of Textiles and Analysis of Avialibity of the Measurment System
Katalin N�meth-Erdodi, Tibor Greg�sz

Europe-wide Co-operation for Efficient Vocational Teacher Education
P�l Pentel�nyi, �gnes T�th

Integrated Mould Manufacturing System in Digital Environment
P�l R�cz, G�bor Zafner

Energy Saving with UCS Compatible and �Zero� Mobile Phone Chargers
Viktor R�bay

Image Processing on Tensor-Product Basis
Andr�s R�vid, L�szl� Szeidl, Imre J. Rudas, P�ter V�rlaki

Representation of Neural Networks on Tensor-Product Basis
Andr�s R�vid, L�szl� Szeidl, P�ter V�rlaki

Analytical Description of Pseudo-Plasticity
Andrew Rusinko

Physics and Art at the University
Dorottya Sebesty�n

Practical Application of Fuzzy Logic from Software Engineering Point of View
Norbert Sram

Printability of PVC and PP Substrates by Screen Printing
Roz�lia Szentgy�rgyv�lgyi, �kos Borb�ly

Filing Ratio Dependence on the Line Thickness Increase at Line-Art Graphics in the Case of Plastic Print Media
Roz�lia Szentgy�rgyv�lgyi, P�l G�rg�nyi-T�th

Parameters and Rules of Fuzzy-based Risk Management Models
M�rta Tak�cs

Hogyan seg�ts�k az informatika labort�rgy �r�in a hallgat�k egyetemi tanulm�nyait?
Ambrusn� Somogyi Korn�lia, Borka Zsolt, Gy�ngyn� Maros Judit

A felsooktat�s felnottk�pz�si lehetos�gei, e-learning a felnottk�pz�sben
Ambrusn� Somogyi Korn�lia, Hegyesi Franciska

Flexogr�fiai elj�r�ssal muanyag f�li�kra k�sz�lt nyomatok sz�nminos�ge
Borb�ly �kos, Szentgy�rgyv�lgyi Roz�lia

Az online forradalmak nevelo szerepe
Hassan Elsayed, Duchon Jeno

Topol�giai t�rk�pek alum�nium�tv�zet finomeszterg�l�s�hoz
Horv�th Rich�rd, Sipos S�ndor

A fel�let vizsg�lata mikrokem�nys�gm�r�ssel
Kov�cs-Coskun T�nde, Bitay Eniko

EWM Taurus 301 t�pus� hegesztog�p alkalmaz�stechnikai vizsg�lata
Kov�cs-Coskun T�nde, Pinke P�ter

�j fejleszt�su sz�ras mar�szersz�mok alkalmaz�si saj�toss�gai
M�zes Andr�s, Csuka S�ndor, T�llai P�ter, Dr. Sipos S�ndor

Vizsg�latok Scanning elektronmikroszk�ppal
Nagyn� Hal�sz Erzs�bet

T�rcsaf�k gy�rt�s � folyamatjav�t�s a nem megfelelos�gek elker�l�s�re
N�meth Emil, Dr�gelyi-Kiss �gota

Digit�lis szersz�mgy�r
R�cz P�l, Zafner G�bor

Az elektronikus kommunik�ci� probl�m�i
Simonics Istv�n

Tanul�smenedzsment �s �nszab�lyoz� tanul�s
T�th P�ter

Sz�m�t�si felhok lehetos�gei �s vesz�lyei
T�th Georgina N�ra

A szakmai pedag�gusk�pz�s kih�v�sai napjainkban
T�th P�ter

K�l�nb�zo szur�si elj�r�sokkal meghat�rozott �rdess�gi param�terek v�ltoz�sa a v�lasztott szur�si elj�r�s figyelembev�tel�vel
Varga P�ter, Bar�nyi Istv�n, Kal�cska G�bor

Models for Cross Border Trade Simulation
P�ter K�d�r

LEGO NXT-based Robotic Arm
�kos H�mori, J�nos Lengyel, Barna Resk�

A kreativit�s fejleszt�se I/A. (�tkel�s a h�don)
Kiss L�szl�

Ecological Modelling with Cellular Automaton Software Implemented in GPU System
�va Hajnal, Tam�s Bajz�t

Korszeru esztergaszersz�mok on-line vizsg�lata
Bir� Szabolcs, Pal�sti Kov�cs B�la, Sipos S�ndor

Method of the Computer-aided Design Control and Adoptation into the Practice
Handa L�szl�n�

© �buda University 2011